Chapter 12 ~ Friends, they're a new thing for me...

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Cameron ~ 

How exactly do you explain to a teacher the fact that you'd been too busy daydreaming about someone who was four years older than you, covered from head to toe in tattoos and had just caused the death of many people three days previous? 

You don't.

"I-I didn't get much sleep last night, miss. I was busy studying." It was an easy and believable lie for a nerd like me. She smiled sadly and then sighed. 

"Okay, Cameron. I want to see all this completed and full for tomorrow." 

I didn't say anything, I just rushed outside the door... Accidentally slamming into someone.

"Oh, god! I'm so sorry!" I yelped, looking down at the person I'd slammed into.

She had long black hair, done the way those skater kids Ethan and Leslie hung around with did their hair. She was rather pale but it complimented her beautiful blue eyes which she made sure everyone noticed by rounding them with a lot of dark eye makeup. She was quite skinny and rather small but cute.

"Really, it's fine." She smiled, getting up. "Hey, what's your name?" 

"Cameron, Cameron Jones." I told her, helping her up half way. 

"I'm Victoria but I prefer Tori." She giggled.

"Okay, Tori." I smiled at the girl "Were you going into History?" 

"Nah, I think I'll just hang with you for a little bit." She laughed, falling into step with me.

"I'm new here, could you show me around?"


Leslie ~ 

I wouldn't go to school. Not for the whole week. 

I made my mom phone in and tell them I was sick but really I just couldn't face Ethan, not right now. 

The guy proposed to me but I was still mad with him so I said no. He'd posted on Twitter about how he was devastated about what had happened to Nathan one minute and then a picture of him sucking Flora's face off the next. 

I wouldn't face him, if I did I'd lose it completely and break into tears. 

"Leslie, I am sending you to school on Monday. It's boy trouble. There's nothing you can do about it and staying out of school won't help." My mom told me as I sat on my bed watching numerous band interviews. She braided my hair absent mindedly, in deep thought.

"I know... I just don't want to face him yet, mom." I sighed. 

"I can't believe he proposed to you. I am glad you said no, though. It would never have lasted. You're a smart girl." She smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. 

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

"No problem, get showered though, you stink!" She yelled, walking out of my room.

Just then, my phone vibrated loudly against the wood of my bedside table and scared the crap out of me. I jumped about three foot in the air before realizing what it was and answered the phone.

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