Chapter 17 ~ New Ink

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Before I start, I just wanted to say I am extremely sorry for this chapter being so short and so boring and shitty, I had no idea what to write but I knew I had to update so... I hope you enjoy this chapter (Though you most likely won't) Love ya xox  ~ Bella

Cameron ~ 

"MMMPH!" I bit down hard on the tea towel Kory had provided me with while Sam traced circles on my back in an attempt to calm me down, tattooes didn't hurt, the needle on my skin just made me feel sick. 

"It's okay, Cam. It's nearly over." Cole told me, he was tattooing me with a sign all of Kory's friends had, an infinity symbol. It was essential if you were going to be in their 'gang' and live with them.

"Is he hurting you?" Sam asked, looking worried.

"No, the needle just makes me feel sick. I'm fine though." I smiled reassuringly and squeezed his hand with my free one as I was getting the tattoo on my wrist. 

"Why did you guys choose this, I mean, it's not very gang-like?" I asked.

Kory broke off into this long speech about how they weren't a gang, they were more like family. A forever family and that family were forever or something like that and Sam just winked at me.

"It was the cheapest thing on offer." He laughed. 

"Then, when I started doing the tats, Kory didn't want to change it because so many of us already had it." Cole added.

"Yeah... I sorta just made that meaning up in the space of five seconds." Kory admitted with a lopsided smile.

"I'm not very gang-like..." I giggled nervously.

"No, but you come through me." Sam smiled, kissing my nose and hugging me, trying his hardest not to move my arm, but Cole told him to piss off anyways.

"SHE'S ALIVE!" T.J. yelled, causing everyone to look around at Tori, who came out with a sling on her arm.

"Luckily, she only sprained her arm." Karson told us, suddenly becoming a doctor.

"Thank god..." Kory muttered, walking over and explaining to Tori how, if she left she could never ever tell anyone where we were hiding and how she didn't know where I was if anyone asked and how she could never ever come to see us again afterwards in case people suspected something when she put her fingers to his lips in mid sentence and shushed him.

"If that's the case, I don't wanna go." She smiled at him, and I swear for a minute he smiled back.

"Cole, get some more black ink!" Kory ordered just as Cole finished my tattoo and wrapped it up.



Sam ~ 

"You're really beautiful, you know that." I mumbled into Cameron's hair. We were cuddled together in bed, just after a movie night with everyone. It was cold so we kept as close as possible and just talked about anything and everything. It was perfect.

"I'm nothing compared to those other girls you used to date." She sighed.

"Don't even compare yourself to them, you're amazing and they're just...SLUTS!"

I heard a sudden crash and I jumped out of bed, flinging the door open to see Jasper on the floor, a vase next to her face. 

"Jasper, what the heck?! Are you OK?!" I helped the blue haired girl up, she dusted herself off and looked at me, her eyes wide.

"Is that really all you think of me, Sam?"


Ethan ~

"Damn..." I woke up, my head killing me once again.

Leslie was back at school now, but if I was near her she'd act like I didn't exist, if I said Hi she walked on past me. 

However, Flora and her cronies forever hung around me. Resulting in even my guy friends leaving me and barely ever speaking to me.

I didn't mind Flora's friends, they didn't obsess over me. It was just Flora herself who constantly made sure she was under my right arm and there was no escape. Most days I tried hiding in the guy's bathrooms at lunch but she'd send one of the jocks in to come and carry me out of there. Literally.

I would go home each day, try to do homework but end up giving up and going to a bar down the street. Until I met this awesome guy called Karson. 

He was really cool, but he seemed like he hid a lot of things too. It took a while for him to even tell me his name.

We were in Starbucks today, and I was trying to get more information out of him.

"Do you have a job, Karson?" I asked, stirring the cream into my hot chocolate.

"I guess you could call it that." He smiled.

"What is it?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it."

"How come you never tell me anything yet you know everything about me?" I huffed.

"Because I don't want to tell you what you don't wanna hear!" He chuckled.

"I don't care, I'm not expecting you to be a lawyer or anything. Especially not with the words 'Fuck This' tatted on your knuckles." I laughed.

"Alright, I'm in a gang." He admitted.

"Really?" I looked at him for any sign of sarcasm but couldn't find a trace.

"Yup. Not just any gang though... Kory Phillips' gang." He smirked proudly.

It took everything in my will not to run out right there and then, but luckily I didn't.

"W-Where are they?" 


Again, I am sorry for the shit quality. I promise a better chapter next time but it's really hard to write with writer's block.

Thanks for reading, please comment and let me know if you have any ideas or what you think.

I love you all <3


xx Bella 

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