Chapter 19 ~ Safe and Sound...

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Kory ~

"Kory, cheer up, man." Jason sighed next to me, we were sat watching basketball on the small, retro TV the apartment came with, a huge bag of taco chips in front of us. 

"I am cheered up, J. I'm just thinking." I lied, I felt guilty about what happened between Cameron and I. I felt dirty and I knew Sam would hate me. He probably wouldn't be back for a while if Jasper had her ways with him. 

"Kory! Phone call for you!" Karson yelled, I sighed and dragged myself into the bedroom where Karson sat, holding my mobile phone out in front of him as if it were something disgusting he never wanted to look at ever again. I grabbed the phone from him and pressed it to my ear.

"Kory, this is Jasper. They let me have my last phone call..." Jasper choked into the phone.

"WHAT?! YOU'RE IN JAIL?!" I screamed.

"Ouch!" She complained "Yes, Sam and I." 

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yelled, storming out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

"You could try bail..." She whispered.

"Don't think that'll work, Jasper." I laughed maniacally.

"Kory?" Cameron asked, quietly.

I put a finger to my lips and continued to listen to what Jasper had to say.

"They recognized us at the Hospital..." She mumbled, I shook my head and hung up the phone.

"Tell everyone who's here to meet in the living room." I ordered Cam, making my way back there and slumping down on the couch next to Jason.

Soon, we were joined by any people in the flat and they all sat either on couches, tables or the floor. 

"Okay, we lost Sam and Jasper to the cops. Jasper made us her last call while I have no idea about Sam. I don't think they're gonna let us bail them out, especially when we're being hunted down. So, we're just gonna have to find a way to break them out." I explained, pressing my hands together tightly.

 "My Sammy..." Cameron mumbled, making me feel almost sick as I knew what she thought of me along with Sam. I shot her a glare and then smiled sadly at everyone else. Cole seemed to be completely out of his head as he looked out the window, his fingers tracing the raindrops on the cold glass.

"Cole?" I asked.

"There are cop cars outside." He said simply, his eyes not leaving the cars.

"Well then I guess we'll have to keep especially quiet and lock our doors..." I whispered, getting up and locking the doors as Karson barricaded them with dressers and chairs and whatever other heavy furniture he could find. We closed the windows and the curtains, much to Cole's dismay as he became bored once again.

Cameron sat on the floor in front of Jason, who seemed to be asking her questions about Sam. She smiled as she answered them before I walked up behind her.

"Uh, Cam? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

"Sure thing." She smiled, getting up and waled towards the bedroom which she and Sam shared, holding the tacky looking door open,  her eyes skimming over the cream coloured paint peeling from it. 

When we were both inside and the door was locked, I began to ask her but she just smirked at me evilly, bringing her index finger up to my lips, stopping me from saying anything. 

"Let's be honest, Kory. It isn't bothering you, is it?" She smirked.

"Sort of..." I mumbled.

"Well, we'll just have to stop that, won't we?" She laughed with no humor. 

"What do you-" My question was answered before it was asked, her lips were crashed roughly and messily with mine. I stood freeze-framed, which seemed to anger her.

"Cameron, Sam is my best friend and there is no chance in hell that I can do this to him..." I mumbled, stepping away from the small, dark haired girl and brushing myself down. As I went to reach for the door, she called my name and I turned around to look at her. She sighed and shook her head, whispering something which was I was just about able to hear over and over again.

"I don't love Sam."

"What do you mean-" I was cut off by Jason bursting through the door and telling us to hide. We closed the door and piled furniture and suitcases in front of it, then taking cover under beds, but in Cameron's case, in wardrobes.

"Why are we hiding?" I mouthed to Jason.

He just shrugged, running a hand over his pale face before laying himself on his side, pistol in hand, ready to attack anything that came through the door.

I was worried out of my skin but I tried not to show it as I leapt up quickly, looking briefly out of the window to see nothing but cop cars. I sighed, knowing there wasn't a thing we could do about it. 

"Jase, what are we gonna do?" I asked quietly.

"We could always take the roof...?" He suggested.

Normally, I would have said no to Jason and told him that he was was crazy, but the guy who owned this apartment block had a freaking helicopter parked on the roof, and although none of us knew how to fly one, it was better than getting arrested. So I said yes. 

We all packed our belongings and swiftly made our way to the roof, quietly getting into the overly-crammed copter before Karson claimed to know how they worked. I sighed and let him drive. Thinking it over in my head, that was basically suicide. But, before we knew it Karson had us in the air and flying away from that old apartment block. 


Karson only landed because the fuel ran out, we were trapped on top of a cliff and it would probably take the police hours to get here if they even tried. So we smiled, satisfied with our work. 

"Kory, can we talk?" Cameron asked, pulling me towards the caves with her. It smelled of salt and dampness but it was quite cozy so I sat down on the cleanest looking rock there was.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Kory, you drive me insane..." She sighed.


"And I love you!" She exclaimed before bringing her lips to mine and kissing me. I didn't know what came over me but I kissed her back, even though the thought that someone would see and Sam would find out and hunt me down was at the back of my mind, I continued to kiss her. It got rougher and rougher until I pulled away for air and stared at her blankly.

"No more... You still belong to Sam..." I sighed, getting up and walking away.

"Nice lipstick, Kory." Cole smirked at me.

"Shuddup, go kiss Harvey!" I sulked, going to sit near Jason as he seemed the least dramatic out of them all.

"I know you like her back..." He smirked.



Thanks for reading, I apologize for the quality and promise the next one will be better. 

I love you all.


xx Bella

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