6- The Dumped Club

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Plot twist: I never thought I would be saying this but I enjoyed history for once. I didn't curse under my breath when Mr Dollson set us homework and neither did I leave it to the last minute.

Everyday was the same, nothing special occurred. Fred and I got a good grade on the essay and Mr Lawrence was pleased with my new-found effort in his subject. That was going to go down before he could say 'metamorphic'. Who am I kidding, I have the lamest jokes in the world!

My small notebook was full of notes and I was remembering a few more things like when Katherine told us that the baby would be a girl and when I went to the fun fair with Alice. We completely ignored each other but I would notice Savannah glancing at me every once and again.

I brushed off all her looks and focused on my new project and the newspaper. I got a new writing idea after speaking to Ivy but it required historical research and a lot of reading. At least it busied me, I was spending my time taking notes and reading instead of moping more. These written words were the only words I could say without being interrupted or questioned. All of my bottled up emotions leaked onto the pages and all the negativity was the thing that built the main character.

I had always wondered why villains were the way they were. It was slightly cliche when the good guys continuously won when in real life, it didn't necessarily happen all the time. There were always going to be people who bring you down but the good guys just have to deal with the negativity and not let it get to them. I was always exasperated when there was an epic smackdown at the end of the story and the villain just died because sometimes, it was the villain that won.

I wanted to tell a story of a "villain", a girl who didn't know she was a monster until everything and everyone told her so. That was where the Greek Mythology came into play. I don't know how I even came up with including a historical aspect to it but you gotta love the Gorgons.

So naturally, after having this huge blowup of ideas, the last thing I wanted to do was go to a sleepover during the weekend. I had buried myself under the duvet with plenty snacks and was enjoying my research when Mum heaved my protector off.

"Come on, get packed! I have to drop you off in fifteen minutes!" she said, gathering the sweet wrappers and my J2O can.

"I don't want to go," I said, throwing the duvet over my head again.

"Oh no, you're going! You've already isolated yourself, you heard what the therapist said; socialising will help to you to regain memory,"

"I just don't feel like going," I said, typing away.

"Come on, it'll be fun. Go and enjoy yourself a bit, you'll be able to continue whatever you're doing tomorrow."

I saved my work and got up. There was no arguing with Mum so I began putting my sleeping bag, pyjamas, underwear and toiletries into a rucksack. I threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt before grabbing Sally's present and running for it. Mum was already outside and into the car so I rushed in and put my seat belt on.

I looked out of the window as a distraction. There wasn't much to see; it was already dark and the only sign of life was the wind's depressed howl. Maybe it was just me that thought its howls were so hollow that it made me shiver. It felt like the wind held no emotion yet it dealt with all the feelings in the world. It was everywhere; experiencing everything and soaking in everyone's reactions before slapping all the anger to the innocence of our nature. Feelings were the things that made the world a mess.

I shook out of my inner monologue and mounted my bags when we neared Sally's house. Needless to say from the amount of girls that were invited, she was wealthy. Sally lived in a large house and she had a few maids doing the housework but she was always humble about it. Some of the girls had already arrived and I wanted to back out but Mum gave me a pointed glare.

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