Chapter 1

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Pairing my light washed skinny jeans with a black V- neck blouse, my black jacket with teal colored writing, which spelt my name on the front to the right,  around my waist and a black Converse from my collection. I grabbed my kaleidoscope High Sierra bag pack. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen
to see my mom making breakfast.

It was the first day of school which meant I will begin my senior year of Wilson High School. Freaking, gladly! Let's say highschool wasn't the happiest place for me to be. Don't get me wrong, I love school and the work that it brings. I have no social life so it keeps me occupied other than when I'm dancing. Don't think of it as a bad thing, I actually don't mind or care.  I spend my spare time either reading, sleeping or dancing. I dance to release my stress and pain. But I wouldn't do it for anyone, mainly cause I'm shy and have really bad anxiety.

"Hey mom!" I said a bit chirpy.

"Ow! Some one is happy and how did you sleep?" she said placing my breakfast in front of me.

"Ma, I'm only excited cuz, one, highschool is almost over and two, I'm gonna get something to challenge me and I slept well thank you. Did you?" I replied confidently. My mom smiled at my sass and to indicate that she slept well.

"Beep! Beep!"

That was my ride!

I unplugged my iPhone 6 then slid it in my jeans pocket, grabbed a jumbo bag of pretzels off the counter on the bar-like section and two mini snickers from the candy basket, before leaving I  kissed mommy goodbye.

My ride was my best friend, Tiffany . She was beautiful, very sassy and smart. We have a lot in common but she is way more... confident and up front. We've been besties since the first grade.

Short story: It was the first day of elementary school and I was super nervous... and awkward. This boy was bullying me over the red crayon. When he got it, a little cute girl tapped him on his shoulder, he turn around and the unexpected happened! The little girl smacked him across the face then snatched the crayon from him, my eyes were so wide that any minute the would or could fall out.
"Hi my name is Tiffany Reid but you can call me Tif!" she said.
"M-my name is Sp-spencer Morris but can also call me Spens." I said being  a little afraid." Thanks for what you did back there!"
"Nah! Don't mention it..., Spens! I'm pretty sure that makes me your best friend!" Tiffany said with a million dollar smile.
"Yeah, I guess!" I said shrugging
We laced our hands together then went to color at our seats.

I opened the car door and then threw my bag in the back seat. I was buckling  my seat belt when I felt Tif's eyes on me.
"Boo, you know if you take a pic it will last longer!" I said with attitude. 

"The f is wrong with you! It's the first freaking day of your senior year and you put your hair in a messy bun and dress like that! Hun, couldn't you put a little effort for the first day." Tif said really pissed. "What's wrong with how I dressed?! This is comfortable and simple! Tif, hun we are going to school not a party!"

"You are totally killing your sexy!" Tiffany mumbles.
My sexy! What sexy? My mom tells me that I'm not thin or fat. I have  the fat in all the good areas. Like my butt and boobs but my boobs are a 'cute' size ( tf) and my ass as well. In all of this I disagree.

I sat in English literature, favorite class when my teach put a test on my table that we did half hour ago.
"Miss Henry, I'm really sorry, I didn't study cause I was busy-" I was explaining. "Spencer, did you even look at your paper?" she said as I moved my head from side to side. To my surprise I got a hundred and this test was so hard, I thought I would fail. This was one of the reasons why I took my S.A.T, in the tenth grade. Because of that, I'm suppose to be in
University but didn't want to be sixteen and going to university ( I skipped ninth grade), also, I sent out an entry letter for Yale and Harvard and I got accepted but my grades have to stay up.

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