Chapter 4

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Caleb's POV

After I finished beating the shit out off that bastard, I held Spencer in my arms. If anything happen to her, I would never forgive myself. She's my angel. I gently placed her in the backseat of the car and then did my best to drive calm. My heart was beating really fast. Driving was sort of difficult but I felt a little safe since Toby, Tiffany and Ricky were trailing behind me.

When I arrived at my house, quickly I cradled her in my arms. Before I went inside the last thing I saw was Toby and Tiffany coming out of his car. I ran up my spiral stairs, not braking a sweat. Sweetly I laid her down on my bed. Then I went to the bathroom and got the huge first aid kit. Back in my room, I dressed the burn, bruise on her face and stomach. While dressing her stomach, I saw a long scar on her abdomen. All this made me sad but angel, I mean Spens look really hot and at the moment very vulnerable.
"My angel." I said sweetly as I stroke her long, curly blonde hair.

Spencer made me smile and not even my best friends could do that. She doesn't try but they do. We haven't even been friends for that long and she has a great impact on me. One thing I love, is when she dances, you can see the light, that shines within her. She's also very beautiful ( she doesn't think so though), smart, sassy ( her sass makes me laugh, she's also got some good comebacks too) and she's sorta... mysterious, a mystery, a puzzle to be solved. One that takes you on an emotional and fun journey, one that at the end, you know it was defiantly worth it.

Spencer's POV

I woke up on a king size bed in... Caleb's house?  When he saw me slightly move, he ran over and help me move in a slight sitting position. I began to cry and he looked at me confused. He asked me what was wrong but I told him nothing. He stroked my arm and hair, which made tingles up my spine.
"My angel." he whispered. "What did you just call me?" I replied a little shocked.
"I'm sorry, I..." I cut him off and said, "No! Don't worry, I like it."
He smiled at me and I returned the simple gesture.

I was taking off my mini skirt when Caleb walked, in the room. He stared, then covered his eyes.
"Don't worry, I'm wearing short shorts underneath," I said chuckling. He gave me  a gray Jordan shirt , which I had on before he walked in. I was about to take off the stockings when he said, " No! Don't take them off, you look cute."
That made me smile. We went down the stairs playing but quite cause we didn't want to wake Caleb's three year old sister, Clara.

We were watching Suicide Squad on Netflix, using his 82 inch smart tv. It was awesome! We ate popcorn, chocolate, cheesecake, Doritos, garlic dip and orange juice. In no time I fell asleep. The last thing I noticed was that I was cradle in Caleb's comfy arms going up the stairs.

The next morning I got up with Caleb, cuddling me. I smiled! He look so cute and muscular. Everything he does and wears looks good on him! Slowly I eased his extra heavy hand off me, then went to the bathroom to wash my face and wash out my mouth. From the bathroom door, I scanned the huge room for my bag. I found it!
Inside I had breath mints that have to... sorta clean your mouth. Then I texted Tif, telling her to get me my emergency, slash just in case bag number 1, from my room. Yeah, I know! It's what happens when you got no social life. Inside it had a bra, panty, clothes ( top and bottom) toothbrush, deodorant, lotion, lip bam, gum ( mints), shoes and tampons; bag number 2 had every thing, except more clothing and tampons. In the mean time I asked the maid, Miss Fantazia to wash and dry my close from last night, including my shorts, so i only had on my panties and bra( I'd washed those).

I sat down on the couch in Caleb's room and read books on Wattpad. Caleb got up shirtless, stood in front of me wearing only his sweatpants and said,
"Good morning, Angel."
"Morning hot stuff! Put on the shirt!" I replied throwing him the shirt from last night. Honestly if anyone, like a stranger came in seeing me in his shirt and him half naked, would definitely  think we slept together. Lol! After he took a shower and was also on his phone , Tif came. She handed me the bag and I went to the bathroom. My shower was amazing! I came out wearing a teal colored tank, light blue jeans with black high top Converse.

I got my panty and bra dry and they were replaced in my Aeropostale matey bag. Tif left cause she was going on a date with Tooooooby! Dwl! I went down to see Caleb in his dark jeans, black T-shirt and Nike sneakers. He was making breakfast. It was pancakes with whip cream, with fresh strawberries and chocolate chips on top, scrambled eggs with shaved cheese  and orange juice. He handed me a plate and said, 
"Angel, your favorite!"
"Wow, how did you know that it was my favorite?!" I asked.
"I didn't! You just told me!" he said with amusement.
I looked at him and quizzed, he was lying!
"Fine! Your mom told me in one of the convos that we had when I was taking you to school and don't ever look at me like that, it... it makes me a little nervous!"
After he said that, I smirked. While talking, I heard a little girl trying to whistle. It was Clara! She was so cute, especially the fact that she was wearing a pink, kitty pajama onesie. She can over to me and asked, "Are you Caleb's new girlfriend?"
I lifted her up to the counter and answered, "No! But I'm his new friend!"
"Really?! Well, he talks about you all the time. His says your really smart, sassy and beautiful. He even said that he want to be with yo..." she was cut by Caleb, when he said, "Okay, Clara that's enough!"
She climbed off the counter, jumped on his toe, making him wince in pain, and then sticked out her tiny tongue out at him then said to me, "Bye Spencie!"
When she left Caleb rolled his hazel eyes as I laughed hysterically.

Twenty minutes later Clara came down in a pink, ballerina out fit and a tiny backpack, with her name, stitched  on it with ballerina shoes. I wanted to squeeze her tight.
"After we drop get at dance class we have an hour. I have to babysit her, she sorta scared them away!" Caleb said miserably.
"I'll babysit her! You don't have to pay me!" I said.
Caleb and Clara looked at me at the same time.
"Yea! Yea! Please! Yea!" Clara said really excited. Caleb didn't mind so he shrugged.
Before going I stopped at my house to get my wallet and a special bracelet. Mom wasn't there so I left a note telling her that I'm probably gonna come home later.

When we arrived at Clara's dance class, I said to her while giving her the bracelet, "When I was four I won my competition doing a solo and this is the bracelet they gave me. It doesn't fit no more and your a little dancer, so I want you to have it."
She smiled then said, "Thank you! Wanna dance together some time?!"
"Yeah! You'll like if I show you some moves?!"
Clara nodded happily. I hugged her and she waved to me and Caleb. After she left Caleb said, kinda startling me, "Let's go get some fro-yo!"
"Did my mom tell you I liked that too?" I asked  with my hands on my hips.
"Nope! Tiffany did!" he replied opening my door. I'm gonna kill her.

While getting fro-yo, Caleb wouldn't stop tickling me. I was getting a sample of Birthday Cake favor, a staff came up to me, to check if I wanted any help and Caleb began to tickle me. In a flash of a second, the sample in my mouth was on her face.
"Ohmygosh! So sorry!" I said getting paper towels.
She mumbled under her breath that she hated her job. I turned to Caleb wanting to slap him but instead we laugh til we cried. We got everything and the mid age cashier said, "That would be twelve dollars and eight two cents. I took out my wallet going to pay when Caleb said,"Whoa! Whoa! What are you doing?"
"Um... paying like a normal person would!" I said in a 'duh' tone.
"Um... no! It's my treat sooo, I'm paying!" Caleb cried, snatching my wallet. Then we began to argue. He said that I behave too independent and I said that he was too bossy. While we were fussing I didn't see when he paid. That jerk, you gotta love him though!

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