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*** 10 years later ***

Spencer's POV

"Justina and Justin, get your butts down here!" I shouted to the top of the stairs. My house was a mess and Caleb will be coming home in the next hour and a half. The kids toys were all over the floor and guess were gonna be here any minute. I was so close to having a breakdown, or even ripping my twins to shreds.

Today was the beginning of summer and I was inviting friends and family over for a get-together party. My darling devils came running down the stairs. They were racing and Justina tumbled over her own feet. Before I could move, Justin had noticed that his twin wasn't giggling behind him; he turned around, he saw his baby sister on the floor and ran towards her, picking her up. Justin examined Justina of injuries and consoled her before she could cry.

Justin had always been protective of his sister, though he was only two minutes older. I stood there proudly seeing my just-turned four year olds act so loving. Pulling her up they joint me at the living room entrance. Holding both their hands, I took them to the chairs I had straightened up.
"Okay, you too are in big big trouble!" I said in a serious tone. Like all the time I tell then that, their tiny hands shoot up to their cheeks with their mouth agape. They were honestly so cute but I had to be serious than to start pinching their cheeks.

"What kind-a twoble?" Justina asked.

"Does this mean where're gonna get coal from Santa?" Justin asked and looked at Justina.

They both look really frightened at the idea. My twins were good and smart kids and even skipped kindergarten.

"Well, Santa told me that if you don't take up your toys here's gonna put you on the naughty list forever!" I exclaimed.

"Oh no! Tina, our toys are all over the floor, we have to clean up!" Justin gasped.

"Yeah, lets go Jus!" Justina grabbed her brother's hand and made a B line to the toys.

Once the toys were cleaned up my house was spotless. I took a shower and bathe the twins. I wore a white sundress- it hugged me at the waistline, had a high-low style, spaghetti strapped- with sandals, my hair in a high bun and swimsuit underneath. As for my babies, Justin was wearing his black and white swim trunks and 'Ball is Life' t-shirt and Justina was wearing a blue dress that had no attachment to her body apart from the white straps, bathing suit underneath, sandals and braided hair. The backyard was all set up and I every started to arrive.

Life has been great! After college, I built a law firm which took some hard six months . This really rich Russian lady was in need of loyal lawyer and I offered to help. Her husband and kill and molested her daughter— his stepdaughter and because she was a big celebrity, lawyers who were working with reporters would get paid to release information. I won the case and she broadcasted me and my career went sky high. Remember when I did the talent show at my high school and that producer guy was there? Well, I had opened a Dance studio and I only worked on Saturdays. He saw us on twitter and retweeted and post on Instagram. From there things went skyrocketing.

As for Caleb, he owns hotels worldwide- Smith's Industries- also a few clubs. He wants me to stop working but I refused to. After Caleb and I's careers jet-rocked, which was like seven to eight months after, we partied to celebrate and you know how the rest goes. Then over the weeks I missed my period and was also having morning sickness, and with much conviction, I visited the doctors and I was pregos. To be completely honest, it was the happiest I ever had seen Caleb, even happier than when I said yes to his proposal in the middle of the road in Paris, right across from the tower. Before we new about me being pregnant, Caleb had proposed and our moms had planned the wedding while we were in college so we before I could start showing, we got married on the beach.

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