Chapter 10

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Caleb POV

It was about four in the morning and I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Spencer was on my mind. I prayed and hoped that she was okay.

I went down stairs to see Clara passed out on the kitchen floor. Laughing, thinking that she must have sleep walked down here. I eased her up only to see a knife in her thigh and blood on the floor.
"Mom! Call the ambulance and police, something is wrong with Clara!" I shouted really loud, panicking the f*ck out.

Five minutes later my mom and I were in our pajamas, back of an ambulance. They were providing my baby sis with oxygen. My mom was crying her eyes out, I cried too  but I had to be strong so everyone around me wouldn't feel hopeless. Spencer, now my sister, I need to act, fast before I loose everyone including myself.

They had managed to do everything quickly. The doctor called us in his office to explain the matter.
"Okay, the stab wasn't deep so, she did it herself based on our calculations. Clara didn't loose much blood but for a little girl, her blood pressure was high, she fainted from a really bad panic attack."
When he finished I knew why this was happening. One word but one special girl, Spencer.
"Can we see her?!" I exclaimed quickly so he nodded. "Oh and speak of this to no one, I don't want this in the media about Clara."
He nodded his head and went to to see my baby sis.

I walked into the room to see Clara crying. Quickly, I when over to her.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong sis?!" I asked with a concern look on my face.
"I'm sorry Cal. I just wanted Spennie back, I want her back," she said sobbing even harder. I played with her dark brown hair. It was the same color as mine.
"Baby C, I know, I want her back too, baby sis," I replied sadly with tears rolling down my face.

Spencer's  POV

I sat in the corner eating Doritos as he slept on the spring bed.  About an hour or so, he got up.
"Im going to the bar, you want me to bring back anything from the store?" the bastard asked.
I replied with Lucky Charm cereal.
He tripped and something flew out his pocket. I was gonna say something but it was his... phone. Thank God he didn't notice!

When he left I heard the car speed off. I ran over to the phone, it had a password but I figured it out on the second try. It was my full name, Spencer Alison Gab Morris. I wiggled my fingers over the key pad. I didn't even think, for I forgot  everyone number ( even my mom's ), but there was one number that sticked. I dialed it.
After too rings he picked up,
His voice was so sexy and husky, I missed it. He said hello three times, for I was too busy crying silently.
"Sorry, Ca...Caleb? It...It's me." I replied.
"Spe...Spencer? Oh my gosh! I missed your voice and you, my Angel," he said. It made me smile.
"Yeah, I missed you too." I said crying softly. I told him where I was, not to call back this number and to come secretly, since my son of a bitc...biscuit father is capable of just about anything. I also told him about his ex best friend. Even though he was a-hole, he didn't deserve to die like that, no one does. Caleb and I hung up because Jackson could come at anytime knowing that his phone is missing.

I deleted any evidence that I had the phone. I thanked God that things were working out in my favor. After cleaning the phone of my finger prints and any other evidence, I put back the phone in correct place. When I heard the car, I ran over to the bed. For effect I messed up my now waist length hair, rubbed my eyes to make them seem sleepy, wrinkled my clothes and squashed my face. The door opened and I immediately closed my eyes. I wasn't tired since I slept REALLY late.

I wiggled my body and slowly turned away from the wall to see him smiling at me.

Creepy af!

He gave me my big box of my fav cereal.


He was slightly drunk, sorta tipsy and he wreaked of strong Jamaican rum and beer. Disgusting! Someone knocked on the door and he opened it saying cousin Mike. But it was Caleb and a crew of police officers.

Yea! Yea! Yea!

Caleb chucked on him, penning him to the floor. You could see the heat and anger radiating off him. Without giving Jackson anytime to spare, Caleb threw punches at him like nothing.
"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Her. Again. You. Ass." Caleb said.
In a swift motion, Caleb got up and kneed him in the stomach. Jackson groaned in pain.

The officers handcuffed him and said, " Jackson Morris, your under attest for the murder of Ricky Anderson and kidnapping Spencer Morris. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will and can be used against you in the court of law. If can't afford a lawyer, one will be provided."

Caleb ran over to me and said,
"My angel, your okay!"
We hugged each other tightly. At that moment, I felt butterflies in my stomach and call me geeky but like vampires, I felt a zayn.

In his arms, we exited the modern-ish room- house. I saw them taking my father to the police van so I went over to them. I stopped them, then I smacked my dad in the face. I wanted to do that for so freaking long. After I went over to Caleb and said,
"Thank you! How can I repay yo-"
"Don't worry about it but there's one thing you can do," he said crashing his soft lips unto mine.

At first he was the one doing the act but I wanted it, I needed it but before I could kiss him back he pulled away.
"Shit! I'm so sorry! I took you first kiss! You probably don't like me like the way, I like you! Ugh, I'm such a f*cking idiot!" He said really frustrated.
"Caleb trust me, I like you more than you know and defiantly not has a friend. Ugh, stop being such a bitch and finish what you started!" I replied childishly.

I pulled him into a kiss filled with passion. He kissed me back the second after. It was... technically, he tastes delicious! He tasted like mints and chocolate. I could feel him asking me with his tongue, so I opened my mouth, in order for him to explore. Biting his bottom lip, he let out a sexy groan. I wind my hands around his neck and he put his strong arms my waist. Slowly he pulled me closer and closer. The gap between us was no more. My heart was pounding really fast and legs were now jelly so I prayed he didn't let me go. After the best kiss, my first kiss Caleb and I knew how we felt about each other.

I wondered if he was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend?

No, Spencer don't push anything, we'll cross the bridge when we get there.

The police officer called me over so I went.
"You have a great boyfriend. He was looking for you day and night," he said. I didn't reply or deny the fact that Caleb wasn't my boyfriend but I blushed really hard.

Hey, you can blame a girl for living a little!!!

A/N: Ohmygosh! They finally kissed! But please don't think I'm rushing into anything, secretes, lie and more are ahead( not gonna be a spoiler )! Sorry but I'm not so good at kissing scenes for I'm just 12 years young and have virgin lips. Don't laugh I'm already embarrassed to say it! Anyways please do underestimate me by my age, this is the first book on Wattpad that I've reached so far in and I'm freaking proud!!!! So don't hate, just appreciate, vote, follow and share. Love ya my GS fam💞.

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