Chapter 27

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Caleb's POV

"Today's the day," my mom said breaking out in another set of tears.
"Maa, don't start crying again!" I said hugging her.

"I'm sorry, your going off to college, and-and you've grown up so fast and- "

"Mom, I could be going beyond the universe, I'll always be your baby boy. And plus it's the beginning of summer, so still, I have three months left."

Summer began today and the Squad and I are heading to Bora Bora, Matira Point. I was packing my suitcase for the trip and mom thought it was for college causing her to break out in tears..., again. She has been crying since the night before graduation.
Since we were only spending ten days, I only had a suitcase filled with what Spencer had on my packing list ( she planned this trip since she was in middle school, she even had a check list just in case she got a boyfriend), and my bag pack from last time.

Our driver, Jimmy went to pick up Toby and the girls since I had to calm down mom.
"Ma-a-a-a I'm literally right here!!!! I'm only eight and your here bawling over this moron!" Clara said exasperated.

We stared at each other before busting into hysterics.
"I love you both so much, and it just breaks apart of me to see you both grow up," mom said pulling us together.

"We love you too mom," I said.

"Yeah! But since your gonna miss this dimwit so much, I'll let you be all up in my Kool Aid for the next ten years." Clara replied sassily.

Spencer's sass had rub off on Clara because of the dance classes they've been having. It's just been showing over the last few days.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Anyways mom, gotta go! I'll call you as soon as I land. Love y'all!" I said pulling up the handle of my luggage.

"Bye sweetie!"

"Bye dipshit!"

"Clara!" Mom scolded.

"Keep the love coming lil' sis!" I barked out a laugh.

I ran down the stairs and to see the latest BMW waiting outside. It wasn't my car or mom's, so I was rather curious. Could it be Toby's? Or Tiffany's? No one told me they were getting a new car!

Putting my suitcase in the already open chunk, I closed it headed to the back seat. In the drivers seat I saw Spencer!
"Babe, why are you in the driver's seat and whose car is this?" I said putting my bag down.
"It's my car and I have a license!" She replied in a squeal.


"I'm sorry but, Spens, you can't drive to save shit! Plus when, where and how did you find time to get a license, then again who in their right mind let you drive a car!"

"Okay arsehole, I'm so offended. The day you and Toby when to the arcade which was a week after I got out of the hospital, I snuck out with the help of my bestie and went to get my license and I got it. I had a perfect score and the guy called me a natural!" She snapped.

She then came to the backseat with me and a sleeping Tiffany while Jimmy came out of my car and into this one. Toby was also in the front falling asleep. Didn't they sleep last night?

As for Prom, we skipped out for some steamy sex. I'm joking! We, as in Toby, me, bae and Tiffany, went on a carriage ride to the newly opened game arcade called Clueless Fun, then us guys surprised them with candlelit dinner, two gorgeous dresses and us in suits. Then, to Toby's and I dismay, watched Titanic with the girls. But after and only after, Toby and Tiffany left, leaving me, Spencer, a jerking bed, my groans and Spencer's loud moans along with her screaming my name in pleasure. If you know what I mean! *wink* *wink*.

The rest of the drive was spent with Spencer cussing me out about how I'd hurt her feelings. But getting tired of it, I'd start kissing her, leading to a ten minute make out session; but then she'd push me away and scold me for interrupting and go back to ranting again. Poor Jimmy, not wanting to be cussed out too had to be on her side as to the fact that she was an 'excellent driver'. Yes, I did have a handful but that's why I loved her.


As we sat on the plane, Spencer was ignoring me. I tried everything! She behaved like I was an annoying fly. I did everything! Even to tickle her, and she didn't even wiggle. She was upset, no, like really upset. After a few minutes, I walked to the back and told the flight attendant to not interrupt.

Stopping at my seat, which was conveniently at the front of the first class section.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have something to say!"
Everyone looked at me, except Spencer. Since practically all of the passengers were like newly weds, couples, engaged etc. they didn't mind and was quiet intrigued by what I had to say.

"Okay so today I'm here with my two best friends, Tiffany and Toby, and one-of-a-kind, gorgeous yet crazy girlfriend," they cooed and chuckle.
"I'm 18 so I'm not proposing..., yet. Anyways, Spencer, I don't have to scream it to the world, all I have to do is whisper it in your ear and the whole world, my whole world will know. Spencer when I met you in that hallway and said something to you, I knew you were different, I knew you were someone I was gonna love forever. And with all things that you went through, I'm glad. Not that you went through it but glad that I was the one that you found comfort and trust in. Glad that I was your night and shinning armor. Then with the whole that you were dancing as a secret, just made it all the way much easier. I was never gonna tell the whole school. If you didn't notice I only came over once for tutoring." Tears were filling my eyes.

"Then I also loved the fact that you were so sassy and crazy. You made me smile. In front of you, I never had to be Caleb the bad boy, I never had to be the guy that beat up his dad at the age of thirteen. I had to just be Caleb. Spencer, you are my love, my life. I love seeing you get jealous when a girl stares at me and I loved when you showed Ashley whose man I was. I'm sorry for being a complete dick for hurting your feelings to say you can't drive. I guess, I always what to be the one to drive you around, your my baby. Great, now I sound like we do some kinky shit in the bedroom, ahem, which I wouldn't mind." Everyone laughed. "Babe, I love you and your flaws. I don't give a fuck who wants to disagree! It could be Donald fucking Trump. I love you and only you."

Pulling her face to me, we had a long passionate kiss as everyone cheered. Turns out I was being videoed the entire time.

That's our story, that's us. The story of how we fell in love, the story about, Spencer and the Bad Boy.

A/n: I know, I know!!!! It's been ages since I uploaded. Life has just been really shitty lately plus with annoying school. I am trying to cope. And if you ask my friends, I don't text or call none of them. But anyways, this is the end of the story. It has been a wonderful journey with you all. Yes, their will be an Epilogue. Also please please go check out my other book, The Bad Boy, My Savior- originally known as Under his control, and yassss that does mean staring back up the bad boy series. I've got to go, I've school tomorrow. Love you guys. Epilogue maybe up by tomorrow. And Thursday coming is my birthday so... yeasssssssssshhhhh!!!! Kisses 😘.

Not edited.

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