Date Part One

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"Hey I'm home!" I yelled to the empty house. Nobody was home, perfect. Reena and Tom said they needed to shop and would be awhile, perhaps they needed a lot or perhaps they couldn't find what they needed. Either way it didn't matter.

I shut the door and sat in front of it. I placed my hands on my knees and began to cry. It didn't matter what happened anymore, Bill could kill me at any second.

"Oh doll I wouldn't do that!" Bill purred floating in front of me.

"What do you want." I say coldly.

"Just to make sure my kitten didn't forget our little date~"

"D-Date?" I asked. "Oh... Shit wait what time is it?"

"About 6pm." He smirked.

"So did I dose off or did time decide to skip three hours?"

"Oh yeah you fell asleep. Ya know you're so cute when you sleep kitten." He purred. (See what I did there? HAHAHA I HATE MY LIFE!)

"Screw you."

"Awe if you want to~" he lifts my chin up.

"I hate you."

"That's cold." He lets go and teleports away.

I walk upstairs and change into a (F/C) fall hoodie. I mean it's like September and it's cold. Bill was taking me on a walk through the woods, he let me into his mind for just enough time for me to see that.

"Wait what? How did you get into MY mind?" He says closing my bedroom door.

"What do you mean?"

"You 'had just enough time to get into his mind.' So how'd you do it? Humans cannot get into a demons mind..."

"Really? Not even ones with ESP?"

"Yeah. Crazy right? I mean- No. No no no darling. You're not getting out of this." He looks at me dead in the eye and hold my chin there.


"Yeah, busted huh?" He chuckles.

"I-I don't know how I did it. It just happened." I say blushing.

He kissed me on the lips, I stand there stunned. "I don't know how I did it, it just happened." He says in a playful mocking tone.

"Well you ready for our date?" I ask looking at the clock. It's only 6:30, we have an hour until the date.

"Give me a minute." He says snapping his fingers.

Bill transformed into a man with a bow tie. Honestly that's all that changed. Oh and his trail coat is unbuttoned, his vain attempt to look like a subductive male. Still hot though.

"Jeez try hard much?" I tease walking over to him.

"Don't tell me you don't like it. I even put on my bow tie!"

I start to rebutton his shirt. I look up and he's blushing. "Don't make this weird you pervert." I laugh.

"H-Hey! How did you know I was-"

I pull him down into a kiss.

"Just shut up and let's go." I say walking past his to the door.

"We're home!" I hear Reena call.

"H-Hey! I'm upstairs! Just getting ready for a walk!" I call back.

"Bill what are you going to do?" I whisper yell.

"I'll just see you outside okay? Chill." He said teleporting away.

I walk downstairs to someone knocking on the door. "I've got it!" Reena yelled.

"Why hello there!" I hear Bill say. "I'm-"

"You must be Bill! Oh come on come in!" She said nearly dragging him in.

"Hey Bill you ready for the walk?"

"Huh? Oh yeah! By the way I like the style~" he said kissing my hand, making me blush.

"T-Thanks... Reena we'll be somewhere and no where." I say walking to the door.

"Alright! Just get home before midnight!" She said as I closed the door.

"That could not have gone worse." I said.

"Whys that?"

"Just- Never mind." I say continuing our path.

"So as part of our deal-"

Weird maggedon was caused by me. An Onslaught of terror and pain throughout gravity falls was all my fault. All because I wanted to liberate humanity from itself. Dipper and Mabel had stopped the whole thing along with Stanford and Stanley. Jesus Bill that'll terrify her!

"Yeah well thanks for getting straight to the point..." I say rubbing my neck.

"What ? Did you just-"

"Yeah I think I did..."

"Damn you look hot when you're guilty." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Bill what the hell." I laugh.

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now