The Second Rise

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"Bill don't leave..." she said sleepily.

"I've been summoned darling." I said and got out of bed. "I gatta go. I'll be back soon."

I kissed her forehead and appeared in front of a child. Well he may be a child, but this kid has had my eye for a while. This kid just wants the whole world to burn, I'm sure that's his deal.

"You're Bill Cipher?" He said.

"You're Tom?" (PSA: I've got nothing against anybody named Tom... Just a inside Joke with the Tom from SVTFOE)

"I wish to make a deal." He grinned.

"Really? I couldn't Tell!"

"I want to have a second rise of WeirdMagedon."

I stood there. I new this kid was bad, but this bad? Damn, and to think I actually didn't want to destroy to world...

"And in turn You get to do what ever you want." He smirked.

"Deal." I said.

"So when?" He asked staring at me.

"When I decide to, you never said when I should start it, could be billions of years after your death." I laughed. "Choose your deals wiser kid."

"Wait!" He yelled. "I want it now Cipher!"

"Yeah?" I grinned. "Well I want your death NOW." I said snapping my fingers, killing the kid.

Crap. It's happening, my insanity is coming out again. How do I protect her though?

"She can be my queen!" I laughed maniacally.

"Bill?" I heard her say from the Forest. "Why did you kill him?"

"Kill him? No! I released him from His stupid, feeble, life!" I laughed again.

The first thing I noticed was the anger, then the fear, then the utter disbelief that this was truly me. She gave me a look of terror and anger.

"Bill what's wrong with you." She asked tears forming in her eyes. "Your voice, it's all echoey, y-You're going insane..."

"I've been insane babe. Just hidden." I said and appeared in front of her. I Pined to a tree by her hands. "I warned you about my insanity."

"And I warned you I would never leave you Bill." She said sighing. "Let me go Bill."

"Make me." I said grinning.

"Please Bill..." she sighed. "I promised I would go shopping with Mable and her friends today..."

"Ugh the Pines." I rolled my eyes. "Tell me why are you friends with them? Have they not done enough to loose your trust?"

Your POV

This was the most intimidating Bill has ever been. Is was creepy never less but still, he was hot like this. Of course he's reading my mind right now, he's grinning as my hands are pinned above my head.

"You're battling with yourself." He smirks. "Shall I kiss you or not?"

I could do nothing but stare. I was so confused in this moment, what was happening with him? More importantly was I safe?

"Does this make you feel safe?!" He asks kissing me roughly.

I saw him go back to himself after the kiss, I believe I just found his weakness... Me.

"Are you hurt?!" He asked letting me go. "Did I hurt you?"

"N-No." I shook my head.

"(Y/N) you need to run, to hide, anything. The second Weirdmagedon is going to happen soon. Please, hide."

"Bill I don't want you to face this alone..."

"Please (Y/N). I don't think I could live with myself knowing that you got hurt because-"


"R-Run." He said smirking then breaking into a maniacal laugh.

I sprinted trough the woods. I ran as fast as I could, lookin back to see Bill floating up towards a rip in the sky.

"Dipper!" I yelled seeing him.

"Goddamnit!" He yells and runs towards me.

I stop but he doesn't, I call out to him again but his speed quickens. He phases right through me. I stand, terrified of what just happened.

"Confused my dear?" Bill said appearing in front of me. "I don't need anybody harming my queen~ so I made you a ghost for a bit. When you sit in the throne I made you can go back to that beautiful body of yours."

Why am I blushing? No, stop. Remember the deal. That's not him so technically the deal isn't broken if I am angry with him right?


"All of those are valid. So where's the insult in that?!" He laughed, his voice continuing to get echoey. "Come on darling? Dont you ant a little... FUN?!"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward a giant floating pyramid. He put my in the thrown and handcuffed me there.

"Sorry doll." He grinned. "You tend to run away."

"This is madness!" I yelled.

"Madness? No no no! This, is, PATRICK!" He yelled and shot some guy out of the pyramid.

"I was not quoting 300 but okay." I sighed. "Stuck here for all eternity huh..."

"Now you're getting the point!" He smiled. "Let's get this party started!"

Dippers POV

I ran to the opening, (Y/N) has to be there right? If she's there she can explain everything. I ran, tripping over a branch on the ground to find (Y/N), laying in the grass clearing.

"(Y/N)?" I yelled running over to her.

I shook her and she was still. I put my finders to her neck to check her pulse, it was faint but she was alive. As for how long? I wasn't quit sure.

She's the only one who can explain why I have random deep scars throughout my body, Fords to depressed to tell me.  I picked her up and started to run back the way I came from.

"Please don't die..." I muttered as I dodged trees and twigs.

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now