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Dippers POV

"Ford what happened?" I asked rubbing my head on the cold floor of the lab.

"I-I'm not sure." He said also sitting up. "My mind was taken by some insane demon. Perhaps Bill isn't our main concern anymore..."

"But how is there another? Is he a dream demon?"

"Worse, he's an insanity demon." He sighed. "I read about them years before I met Bill, I figured they had disappeared."

"(Y/N)!" I suddenly remembered. "She was hurt she's-"

"She's fine Dipper. Bill saved her in time."

I sighed in relief. Bill wouldn't let me near her now, after what's happened. He's protecting her, I know that now, but it doesn't stop me from fearing for her safety.

At any moment Bill could return to his state and harm her, or worse. I just wish to apologize for everything I've done to her, I betrayed her! Why would she ever want to talk to me again?

"Hey Dipper!" Mable yelled. "Wanna go for a walk?"

"Yeah I guess." I sighed.

Maybe a walk in the woods would help. After all, it had been a good way to clear my thoughts in the past. Especially with Mable, she tends to help me work things out.

"So what's up bro bro?"

"(Y/N)..." I sigh. "She could be hurt with him, why does she even love him?"

"She brings out another side to him, a loving and caring side that nobody has seen." She said. "Don't beat yourself up about it, im sure there's more than meets the eye with those two okay?"

"Like what shooting star?" A dark voice said from atop a tree.


"Look. (Y/N) has gone missing. You guys are the only ones who know how to find her."

A/N sorry guys... Something's happened and I find it hard to write this book so... please bare with the slow updates!

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