The Answer

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I want Bill. No, Bill harmed me, but it was to protect me. But he still hurt me, ugh, I'm so confused!

"Babe...?" Bill said looking sad and angry at the same time.

"I-I want you Bill. A deal is a deal and there is no backing out of it now." Honestly that was all an excuse. I honestly don't know the other guy, but he said he could protect me from Bill, but Bill is protecting me from the other guy?

"Very well my princess. You will come around eventually, someday." The guy grinned and disappeared.

"(Y/N) I-"

"Don't." I glared. "The only answer I want is the truth, do you love me?"


God what do I say? If I say I love her she'll leave and hate me. If I say I don't she will most definitely leave. Crap her demon sides coming out again...

"But do you love me Bill?"

Yes. I'm sorry to hurt you and I never meant to. At first I thought you would be a good Ali and I still think you would make a great one, but you see it's much more than just that now.

"I care about you. Something a demon should never feel is being felt. You are different? I don't know. But I know you are stronger than mortals, and honestly cuter too."

The look in his eye meant sincerity, but there was something else, pain. He felt bad for what he did, he feels bad for this, he feels bad for everything that will happen in the future.

"Bill I-"

"No you have every right to be angry with me. Ive harmed you (Y/N). I tricked you. I lied to you." He sighed. "I wouldn't blame you for hating me, but a deals a deal. I will protect you until the very end of existence."

"And I will remain your girlfriend until the very end of existence."

He walked up to me and lightly tiled my chin to meet his eyes. He whipped away the tears that were falling down my cheeks, but his eyes remained locked onto mine, looking for any other emotions.

"You're adorable when you cry. Did you know that?" He cracked a smile. "So do you want to leave? I have a place we can stay at if you want."

"D-Does Reena really not remember me?"

"I figured it was best if they just didn't know anything about you and me." He let my chin go and backed up. "I know you wouldn't want them to get hurt because of me."

"What's going on?"

"A lot of things you don't need to worry about right now okay?" He smiled. "Anyway let's go get settled."

He snapped his fingers and we appeared in a large fancy mansion like house, the walls were white and the doors were painted black. There were labels above the doors, one of them being mine.

"That's your room, Mines across the hallway. I have to go do something so I won't be here until really late, okay?" He said. "By the way the outside of this house is a broken down shack. Don't ask."

"Uh okay... should I make dinner?"

"Oh nah. Here's (Fav Pizza)." He said as three boxes of pizza appeared out of thin air. "Kitchens over there, these won't get cold either."

"Alrighty then." I shrugged and grabbed one of the boxes. "I'll be in my room."

"Okay, and (Y/N)?" Bill asked. "Please, if you leave the house, don't mention my name to people okay? The things I've done in the past tend to uh... scare people..."


"I love you."

"I love you too Bill."

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now