Date P-2

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TBH I forgot this book existed!

"Bill we've been walking for hours!" I complain.

"It's been ten... besides where here anyway." He laughs.

I stop and stare at the scene in front of me. It was a table with (Fav Food) and (Fav Drink) right next to a pure lake, untainted like nobody had discovered it.

"Bill this is-"

"Amazing? I know. I have a question though. How the hell did you manage to get into my mind?"

"I-I don't know. It just kinda... happened? I don't know..." I sigh.

"It's alright my darling~" He said picking me up abruptly.

"B-Bill!" I blush deeply. "Put me down!"

"Nah. You look cute when you're blushing~" he laughs.

"(Y-Y/N)?" I hear Mabel ask.

I look up at Bill whose frozen. His mind was racing until it came to a conclusion. He put me down and turned around.

"Hey! I'm Bill Phil the Daffodil!" He said sticking out his hand. Mabel laughed and shook it.

"Nice to meet you Bill! I'm Mable! How do YOU know (Y/N)?" She says looking at both of us.

"She bumped into me before she walked into the diner. Then she got lost, then I asked her on a date." Bill smiled.

"Y-Yeah...." I blush.

God you are so cute (Y/N).

I nudged Bill with my elbow hard, but Mabel didn't seem to notice.

"I SHIP IT!" She yells happily clapping her hands.

"..." I stare blankly. Bill just laughs.

"M-Mable what are you-" Dipper steps out of the woods. "H-Hey (Y/N). We haven't properly met. I'm Dippler... Dapper... Dipper...?" He blushed so hard his face looked like it was going to burst.

"I'm (Y/N)." I say.

"Back away Pine Tree." Bill growls.

"B-Bill?!" Dipper jumps back.

"She's mine. Go find your own girl friend."

"She- What?!"

"She's my girlfriend Pine tree. Back. Off."

"Sorry Dip.." I sigh. "Didn't realize you guys have beef..."

"Now can you leave us to our date?!" Bill starts turning red, god that's hot and scary.

"I-Uh y-yeah..." Dipper says glumly and walks away.

"BYE (Y//N)!" Mable yells and skips behind Dipper.

"Didn't mean to scare you my little flower." Bill says pulling you close to him. He lifts your head up from your chin with one finger and holds It there.

He kissed you, his lips were soft and warm, it felt amazing. You wished you could stay there forever, until a rumble went through your body. You're hungry.

"Ha yeah Forgot you need food to survive." He laughs and a picnic basket appears full of your favorite food.

You started to eat as the sun went down the horizon. The sun reflected off the water of the river, it was so calm.

"I better start heading back..." I say sighing.

"Yeah. Let's get going." He said and snapped his fingers.

We appeared in front of the house, as confusing as that was, I accepted it.

"Bye flower!" He smiled and waved (boys, smile and wave.)

"Bye Dorito." You laughs and open the door.

"Where were you?!" Reena yells.

"What? What time is it?"


"Oh damn." You sigh.

... I don't know where the hell im going with this... but let's do it anyway!

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now