"Im Sorry"

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"Ford I'm fine." I said again. It seemed like I've said the same thing everyday this past week, oh wait, I did.

"It just seems unusual that he didn't harm you. Usually he makes a deal to mess with the people he's making a deal with." He sighed. "As long as nothing else happened except a kiss, and as long as you fine, then I guess I'll leave it."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Hey (Y/N) I wanna show you something!" Dipper yelled from upstairs.

"Coming!" I said running to the stairs. "Sorry Ford. We'll continue this later?"

"Go have fun." Ford smiled and watched me run up the stairs.

Bills POV

I watch as Dipper offers to take a walk to see the sunset. (Y/N) happily agrees hoping it would clear her mind, I know it won't, she'll just end up hurt again.

"(Y/N) I-I like you..." Dipper says as the sun sets on the UFO shaped mountain.

"Dipper..." she gasps and stands up. "I-I-"

"I-If you dont like me T-That's alright..." he sighs and stands up. "But I had to get that off of my chest."

"Dipper I like you too but-" she starts to back up, right off the cliff. "It just feels wrong..."

Dipper stares amazed and confused. She was floating off of the cliff. He blamed it on me, his mind screamed at me.

"(Y-Y/N)? You're floating..." Dipper points out.

"What?!" She looks down and starts to fall.

She let out a terrified shriek as she fell fast toward the ground. I caught her before she hit the ground, causing her to cry into my tail coat.

"Bill..." she cried.

"It's alright. You're alright." I coed as I pulled her into a hug. "I would never let you die."

"(Y/N)?!" Dipper yelled running to us. "Are you alright?!"

Dipper was crying. He was terrified of being the reason she was dead, for a good reason too. It isn't quite yet time to go through with my plan, but it would have been had she died.

"She is fine. No thanks to you." I growled.

"Bill why did you erase my memories?" She sniffles.

"I-I can't tell you. You'd hate me." I sighed.

"B-But you seem to care about me a lot Bill..."

Dipper looked helpless, unsure of what to do. He stared in disbelief as he saw a whole new side to me. The side (Y/N) brought out in me, one that I didn't even know existed.

"I do, I do, that's why I had to." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "I had to, to protect you from me."

Nobody's POV

The two hugged for a bit of time, crying for each other. (Y/N) still doesn't have her memories, but Bill knows what will happen when she does get them.

Meanwhile a distraught boy quietly rummages through his backpack and pucks up a dart gun. He whispers the words "I'm sorry" and shoots Bill and (Y/N). They fall to the ground, helpless.

"Sir? We got em." He said to the phone.

He walks over to (Y/n) and realized something.

She loves him back.

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now