All things come to an end

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"What do you mean you lost her?!" I yelled.

"Dipper calm down..." Mable sighed.

"How can I calm down?! I knew she was supposed to stay with me! You idiot!" I spat.

"Jesus kid calm down. She's-"

"Hello Bill~" a voice said appearing behind us.

It was ourselves, except blue. Evil me snapped his fingers, making a beaten, tied up (Y/N). He made a sadistic grin, as Evil Mable approached her with a knife.

"Shall we make a deal Cipher?" She grinned as she brought the knife closer to (Y/N)S unconscious body.

"What do you want Double Dip." Bill seethed.

"We want a sort of, deal." The other me said giving a grin. "We want you to-"

"B-Bill?" (Y/N) coughed up blood. "W-Where-AAAGGGHHH!"

She yelled in agony as the knife pressed hard against her cheek. Without thinking I attempted to kick the opposite Mable. She dodged it, causing a deeper cut into (Y/N).

Bill turned red, as flames ignited around the forest, causing a red flaming triangle on the floor. He started to float as he got worse, the flames grew brighter.

He began to chant some sort of spell, causing the reverse us to disappear with fear in their eyes. (Y/N) dropped to the floor, still bounded and bleeding.

Bill dropped to the floor, passing out. I ran over to (Y/N), untying the really tight ropes. She still had a pulse.

I took off my vest and wrapped it around her arm, which was bleeding heavily.

No ones POV

Dipper turned to see Bill gone, not knowing where he is. He picked (Y/N) and began to walk back to the mystery shack.

Bill was sitting behind the nearest tree, doing what nobody ever thought he could do. He was crying.

Bill had felt pain before, but this? This was worse than his nightmare, that time she was kidnapped, no. This? This was almost as if he was trapped in an explosion, that came from
Inside of him.

He had never felt this much pain for a human, or any other being. He knew he couldn't protect her, and this just proved it. Because of him she was hurt, because of him she probably wouldn't love him again.

He doesn't know what to do with himself at this point. Their souls are combined, she is marked for him. She is his, and yet he can't bring himself to harm his prey.

Bill stands up, and decided on what to do. He whipped his tears and faded into a shadow, approaching (Y/N)'s sleeping body. He touched the Tattoo, causing it to fade.

He whispers the words "I love you" and disappears into the nightmare realm. The same realm he fled from, the same realm that caused him to come to such a peculiar realm. This dimension was unlike any others, love, hate, and all the other emotions never really hit him.

He swore he saw a tear from (Y/N), but he promised himself that she couldn't be harmed if he just left. Almost as if he was never there, the world continued on.

As Bill suffered for (Y/N), hoping that he could protect her, by staying far away from her.


Human Bill Cipher X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang