Missing Memories

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I woke up and got off of my bed. I was confused of why I couldn't remember who's home this was, but I needed answers and couldn't stay here. I looked over at a wall, which was covered in pictures of me and my mother. A writin note was hanging from the wall-

Dear (Y/N)

I am so proud of you for graduating! I'm sorry I wasn't able to go, but you know how my work is! I bought you a home down in Oregon called Gravity Falls to make it up to you.

Your Mother

So this was my home then. I walked over to the closet and picked up my (Fav Color) hoodie and the rest of my clothing. I lifted my long sleeve shirt and fell backwards.

When did I get a tattoo?!

Bills POV

I felt more than sadness, more then pain, no this? This was everything except worse. I watched as she struggled to comprehend what just happened. I even forged a freaking note, A NOTE, to help her forget me.

I hated seeing her like this, but it was the only way to keep her further from the truth. I watched as her heart broke when she went to talk to Reena, and realized she didn't remember her. I watched as she struggled to remember everything, but she didn't.

My heart ached to help her, she was like a lost puppy trying to find their home again, but never able to because nobody knew her. Surely she would find someone right?

She ran to the Pines, a nervous reck. She was immediately taken in by Mable, who attempted to calm her down. Dipper had tried to help, but didn't really know how he would even help someone who couldn't stop crying over something she doesn't even know.

Eventually with time she was able to make a full sentence without sobbing, she brought the tattoo to Dippers attention and just as I expected, he flipped.

He likes her, that in itself is evident. She Denys it but she does like him back. Mable runs around the house screaming "I SHIP IT!" While Ford and Stan try to figure out why she has the tattoo.

I went into her dreams every once in a while just to see what she was doing. Sometimes she would dream of Dipper, or sometimes she would go to the nightmare realm. When she does go there I kiss her on the forehead and whisper "I love you" and disappear before she wakes up.

Dipper woke up during one of these moments and nearly had a heart attack. He yelled at me to get away from her, but I just smiled and faded into a shadow.

Dippers POV Also remember he's 15 and you guys are about 17

"Ford he was standing over her. It almost looked as if he was sad." I said as I took a bite of a pancake.

"But that's impossible." Ford said rubbing his chin. "He doesn't regret, nor love. So why would he be sad?"

"Maybe he does love her?"

"But why her and not any other being on this earth?"

"H-Hey guys." (Y/N) said walking down the stairs.

She had been living with us for nearly a month now. She doesn't like to be alone and claims to be being watched, no doubt is that Bills fault. What ever he did to her, I'll kill him for it.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Not really, I woke up from a nightmare at 3 in the morning. That's been happening every night this month." She shook her head.

"Any memories returning?"

"Nope. Still feel as if I'm being watched though... do you think it's Bill?"

"I wish I could say no, but it is a possibility." Ford sighs. "For some reason he is tied to you, and only you."

"I feel as if this Tattoo is important, but I don't know why..." she said and sat down at the table.

The poor thing had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, she was extremely jumpy, and paranoid. To say I felt bad for her was an understatement.

"I need answers, and the only person who can give me those answers is Bill." She sighed. "I have to make a deal with him."

"No." Ford and I said in unison.

"He could harm you." Ford said.

"Or worse, Kill you." I finished.

"I'm willing to take that risk in order to sleep at night." She said and stood up. "If I don't return by dinner? Don't bother to look for me."

Bills POV

It kills me to see her this desperate, but I know she deserves some answers. I can't tell her everything, because that will ruin my plan. She's going to the middle of the forest, I suppose I should pretend as If I don't know her.

"Bill Cipher?!" She yelled. "I want to make a deal!"

"A deal you say?" I grinned appearing in front of her. "And what would that be my darling?"

"I need answers, I'll do anything." She pleaded.

"Anything you say?" I need her to hug me, anything, a kiss just anything. I'm desperate for her touch, her warmth, her smile.


"We've got a deal." I stuck out my hand. She took it and the flames of both of our hands collided and moved up our arms. She jumped at first but relaxed after the flames faded.

"What does this Tattoo mean?"

"You are mine." I shrugged.

"What happened to my memories?"

"I erased them."


"I'm afraid I cannot answer that. But I'll tell you one thing." I moved close to her and lifted her chin. "I love you."

And with that our lips collided. Her (E/C) eyes illuminated as if she remembered what we had, but in the end I knew she didn't. She doesn't know how much my heart that I never even knew I had ached for her. I wanted to fix everything, I wanted her in my grasps again, but that would ruin everything.

"I'll see you in your dreams (Y/N)." I said tipping my hat and faded back into the shadows.

She stood speechless, not knowing what she should do with this new information. "I may not remember you Bill, but I love you too." She cried into the forest floor, slowly falling asleep from exhaustion .

I picked her up and teleported to the shack, placing her on the couch.

"What did you do to her?!" Dipper yelled running over to her.

"I told her what she wanted to know, and she fell asleep. I'm sorry for being a gentleman and helping a woman in distress." I glared and disappeared.

"Ford Bill carried (Y/N) home!"

"What?!" Ford yelled running to (Y/N).

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz