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"Sorry! I am so so sorry!" I pleaded. "I forgot what time it was okay?!"

Suddenly Reena passed out on the floor, only to be caught by none other that Bill Cypher. He winked and carried her to the couch, leaving me speechless. He could have killed her!

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled.

"Shush, do you any her to wake up?" He snapped whispering.

"No." I sighed.

"Okay good cause she's waking up." He laughed.

"W-What happened?" She asked sitting up.

"We opened the door and you passed out, I wanted to stay to make sure you weren't harmed on the fall down." Bill lied. You have to admit, he was a pretty convincing lier.

"What time did you guys get home at?"

"11:56 exactly."

"What time is it now?"

"1:30 ma'am."

"Oh my goodness! Your parents must be worried sick Bill! Hurry, get home!" She yelled, nearly shoving him out the door.

"Ma'am I can assure you that-"

She closed the door before he could protest. She looked extremely confused, but happy that I was alright I guess.

What was that dream about then? She said in her head.

Suddenly a sharp pain in my head caused me to fall over. My sight remains blurry as MY was were ringing. I could here a girl crying in pain, which must be me, and Somebody frantically calling 911.

The door was kicked down and I was being carried, I felt myself going into darkness as I was being later onto a stretcher. A familiar voice yelled my name as the doctors rushed him away, but he would not leave my side. He was after all, MY protecter.

The paramedics gave in and let him go with me, though they couldn't find anything. My eyes started to close as I felt the world suddenly stop, everything was dark and quiet.

I opened my eyes to blackness, the only thing that wasn't dark was me being illuminated by a (Fav Color) light. It was strange, dark, and cold here, where ever I was.

"Hello (Y/N)." A voice said.

"Who's there?" Suddenly I felt the momentum of falling as I fell into soft grass below.

"Think of me as... your savor." He said appearing out of thin air.

He looked similar to Bill, except a bit more sadistic, if even possible. He had a blue tail coat, and his hair was just enough to cover his forehead. His eyes were red, and his grin even scarier.

"Are you afraid of me miss (L/N)?" His grin got wider.

"No." I said confident. "The only people afraid of you is yourself. I've got a boyfriend so unless you want to fight him? Then I suggest you take me out of this place."

"Oh darling you don't recognize this place?" He laughed. "This is your insanity. I cannot let you leave until you realize-"


"These are your worst fears, and it seems as though-"

"I'm afraid of the dark?" I interrupted.


A large bang could be heard coming closer, something was wrong, definitely wrong. I started to walk through the darkness to find Bill, grinning like a mad man.

"Bill?" I asked and started to run to him.

I opened my arms and lunged to hug him, for him to save me from myself, but instead laid on the ground with Bill standing next to me laughing insanely.

"You really think I care about you? I'm just using you for the pine twins!" He laughed.

"Nobody could ever care about you..." I heard a voice say.  It was me, but a darker version. My cloths were black, my eyes glowing red, a demonic grin was plastered upon my face.

"(Y/N) it is time to wake up." They said breaking into a creepy laugh again.

"(Y/N)?!" Bill yelled.

I sat up with great speed, causing my head to pound. I started painting as Doctors rushed into the room. They hurried Bill out of the room as they began to check everything.

The only thing they hadn't checked was my insanity, which in itself was a bad idea anyway.

"Doctor her eyes have changed colors!" A nurse yelled.

My eyes had changed from (Eye Color) to a bright green, then back to normal. Apparently that freaks people out or something.

Human Bill Cipher X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now