Chapter 4

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هي نيتك لقتلي، (?is your intention to kill me)
أو تلد لي جديد،(or to give birth to a new me)

I stopped panicking and I helped Hudaa on the bed after waking her up. I remembered her car was downstairs and I could drive.
I had been to Dubai before so I was acknowledged with the all the roads and places and I drove to the hospital. My only prayer and worry was Hudaa, after all, was it so serious ? But what was wrong with her ?

We reached the hospital after a 5 minute drive. I took her to Emirates hospital because she told me she goes there. I called out,"Emergency," and the hospital staff came to help, she was taken in for a check-up.

I was really worried. I had to get my phone as well, an impossible thought at that time, I'd say. *sighed*
I thought of hacking the password and calling my number so I could get my phone back. And I did so but the number wasn't reachable. I guess my phone was switched off or something. The person doesn't value his phone or he hasn't seen.

I was in the middle of looking for a solution to look for that plane girl. I knew the phone was hers.
Suddenly I was called from my official phone and phone number. It was a number from the hospital staff.

They said, "Hello sir, how are you? We are sorry for disturbing you at this hour of the time. There is a small emergency here at Emirates hospital..."
I had to go.

I called out and said, "ya ummi (mom) I am leaving, there is an emergency at the hospital. Love you..."
And I went towards my SUV and drove at the highest speed to the hospital. As I was talking to my assistant, I heard it was a case of blood vomiting and weakness and the patient had fainted.

I reached the hospital and went right inside the room to check the patient.
After I checked her I got to know she had esophagitis. (Esophagitis is irritation or inflammation of the esophagus).

Although we had to do technical tests to confirm the same, this was something rare though and I know the patient would have difficulties in swallowing and others. So I left to speak with the patients guardian so they can arrange for treatment as soon as possible.

I went to discuss the procedures. I went, outside, leaving her under the care of a nurse. I left slowly not wanting to disrupt her. She was resting.
When I reached outside I saw a lady dressed in an abaya and I thought of her to be the patients relative so I turned to talk to her.

To my realization it was the same plane girl :/ The same girl who had my phone and had caused me trouble.
*calmed my mind mentally*

But I don't know why, when I saw her, I felt like I found something so precious. Maybe because she had my phone that's why.
I had this strong, uncontrollable attraction that pulled me towards her.

Nervousness was all over me, I sweated - my forehead hair wet. I bit my lip, avoiding the bubbling of my tears which were nearly falling off. She was my only best friend. My forever loyal friend. The fear of losing her was recurring in my mind but I just turned to my Lord, praying for her.

It was nearly dawn, I could see the darkness of the night now tinted with some orange. The hospital windows allowing some light to pass through...
It was around 4: 30 am in the morning and I knew in some time the Fajr prayer would be ready.

Just as I was to go and ask the doctor about the happenings of what happened, I turned to see a guy blocking my way, standing in front of me. And guess what !! He was the same guy - the feelingless yet full of emotions guy - the one who scares my heart when I see him guy -
I took a deep breath.

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