Chapter 8

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لماذا هو قلب مخلص (why is the heart unfaithful)
فمن معي  ولكن ليس معي (it is with me but not with me)

I wondered who did this. I turned to see - it was Ammar. I don't know why but I was hurt in the heart.
Then I heard hudaa ask him, "What do you think you're  doing ? You just burnt her hand. Who gave you permission to snatch her coffee?"

I was sitting there, silently crying over my burnt hand. Then I heard a very stiff and cold voice answer...
"Well did your friend know that you're sick? Does she care for you? Why would she order coffee for you.. it could have even caused you esophageal cancer if u drank it so I just saved your life."

In my heart I was saying if only he knew the truth. But Hudaa fulfilled my wish and shouted back at him explaining that it was MY coffee. She pulled me and frustratedly we went back to the hospital.
I told her to calm down and that it was a misunderstanding but deep down my heart I was angry, hurt, and disappointed. He definitely hurt me. My wounds got dressed and my hand was paining a lot but I was fine.

I was so tired it was like 6:00 already. So I bid Hudaa a good bye and goodnight and I left to go home. As I was leaving Hudaa's DOCTOR was entering the room and you guessed it... we bumped on to each other again. Well my hand hurt again. I said ouch but in a very low voice.
And I guess he called me like Sofia.. but I just ran out, not wanting to face him > avoiding him.

I made such a big mistake. Why didn't I think that it could've been her coffee not Hudaa's. I saw the waiter coming with the cup of coffee and to save Hudaa and stop her from drinking it I snatched it and by mistake, unintentionally it spilled on Sofia.

I could see the pain in her eyes, when tears ran down her cheeks. But at that time I thought it was her fault. But then Hudaa cleared my misconception and I could see she was hurt too seeing her friend like that.

I didn't do it purposely and I had that feeling of guilt as a human. But this time, I felt like a piece, a corner of my heart was broken too. Maybe I acted too violently. After they left in a hurry, Zayed came and talked me out about apologizing to the girls and being a gentlemen. And I followed them to the hospital.

After praying and putting aside my pride and ego, I decided to go do a check up on Hudaa and apologize as well. So I left and just as I was entering I bumped on to her again and I hurt her hand. At that time I felt something else, what was I doing, all this is nonsense. But I still called her to apologize but I guess she didn't hear me or maybe even ignored me.

I thought so highly about this man. I though he was an Emirati, gentleman, but hmm just the opposite. How dare he hurt Sofia.
Well I felt bad but my feelings for him didn't subside. And after a while he came to do a checkup and apologized which made me respect him again though I didn't want to but my heart wouldn't just agree.

I didn't know what Sofia would be thinking about Ammar right now but I knew tomorrow I had to change her mentality to the positive one because he asked for forgiveness and I could see the guilt in his cold eyes.

I was a crazy girl and was determined to awaken the feelings in the stone that was on the left side of the Doctor. I think I was falling in love though I didn't even know if he would ever accept me or anything. All I knew was that I should توكل (trust) God and do it the halal way but I didn't know how.

I reached home and I was so tired. After praying Isha (evening prayer) I sat on my bed with the قرآن (holy book for muslims) - reading it. I warmed some milk and i was sipping it as well to get some energy.
I was so exhausted that I just slept after some time. But before sleeping I set an alarm for tomorrow 5:00 am for fajr (morning) prayer.

Later after my beauty sleep I heard the alarm ring, I didn't even feel like I slept. أعوذ بالله (I seek protection from Allah) from my laziness and I woke up. After praying I took my phone to switch on the Quran to listen and relax when I saw 47 missed calls from a number and 30 messages from the same number. The same number that...

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