Chapter 19

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(I trust you and you trust me)أنا أثق بك وتثق بي
و نحن على ثقة من الله (and we trust God)

(After everything Sofia said in the previous session, this is what happened to this couple...)

He came upstairs into the room I was. I was now his, I felt committed and taken and he was now the king to my kingdom and the ruler of my heart which I couldn't change.
He came in behind Ammar and he looked so handsome in a thobe. I mostly saw him in suits only anyways.

He then kept his hand on my head and I closed my eyes following every dua and surah he prayed. His voice penetrating to my soul. After he finished, I saw him sit next to me... I guess he was waiting for me. Then I hugged my mom and my family and his and they prayed for us and I hugged Sofia tightly as she did too. And then Sofia left and everyone too leaving us alone.

I blushed and he didn't say anything but extended his hand and I extended mine, putting it into his and I felt a shock from my hand to my heart to my brain and I had a brain freeze.
But I was fine then ^-^ and we left to go to the car to head to the hotel. We reached the car and like a gentlemen he opened the door for me and I entered. We sat in the car and the silence was killing me so I said, "assalam alaikum." Shyly maybe he didn't even hear me.

But when I heard him answer I knew he had heard. He told me," waalaikum salam, how are you feeling? You know that our marriage is an arranged marriage but I hope we will work hard to fulfill it and make it successful..."

I was just nodding and my eyes down and when he said we, I felt us all over again...
Then I told him, "Yes I know it's arranged but I promise you I will try 100% to make our relationship work..."

We then started talking about our likes and dislikes and I was blushing when he talked and he would steal a glance at me.
And I got to know him better and I was falling in love with him, when he talked I felt like stopping the time right away and make this moment pause forever and ever and when he laughed, it seemed like the world was a chocolate, and when he looked at me I felt my blood run to my heart to make it beat faster.

We reached the hotel later. After the long drive we went to. I realized that because I knew the hotel and I knew the way he went maybe it was a way for us to talk to make this relationship work. I was impressed with him, his personality, and his heart. We reached the hotel, it was the same as Sofias just different blocks. We had a honeymoon suite booked for us.

When we were walking to go to the room, I felt someone put my hand through his elbow and was silently walking. This gesture of his blowed my mind and erupted my heart. We reached the room and I saw him stand after closing the door, looking at me, I was blushing that I couldn't help but smile he then held my chin and made my face up, so that we could have the eye contact and the same love he saw in my eyes was the same I saw in his too.
> I guess this was love at first talk <

Then I kept my hands around his neck and locked him in my arms. And we fell deeply in love...

(After everything Ammar said in the previous chapter, this what happened with this couple)

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(After everything Ammar said in the previous chapter, this what happened with this couple)

Ammar and I came from the mosque and we went home. I saw my wife. She was so beautiful, something I hadn't realized for ever and it was because I wasn't paying attention to her but now she was mine.
I prayed on her and I saw her feeling happy and smiling. Then after she bid everyone, and everyone left the room, I waited for her and offered my hand and she put hers in mine and the feeling was different.

We went to the car and I opened the door for her. We entered and I was driving I thought of starting a conversation and I was about to when she did. She looked so shy. I answered and we started talking and taking, I went for a long drive purposely so we would talk more, her talks sounded so nice, her voice was like pure honey and her eyes - I could just enter in them and get lost. We talked so much and I was so happy my mom had chosen her, I felt like she would make a great life partner.

Then we reached the hotel. And I took the keys to our honeymoon suite. I saw her walking behind me which I didn't want. I wanted us together everywhere, she was my wife not my maid. So I held her hand and put in in my elbow and I guess she was shocked but she looked at me with a smile and I knew she was happy. She looked so innocent and her shyness just killed me.

We reached the room and I made her stand in front of me, her looking down. I held her chin and made her face up, her eyes shining in the orange lights of the room and her heart breathing heavy breaths in the AC.
We looked into each other's eyes and although we didn't confess I knew she had fallen for me and I for her. She then put her hands around my neck and and hugged me closely to her heart.

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