Chapter 10

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ذَا لك هو اختبار من الله (it is a test from God)
والجواب يكمن في السؤال (and the answer lies in the question)

It was her calling. Why would she call after so long ? I thought she would've deleted my number and thrown it in the trash can but ironically... no. So I answered her call and I said, "haloo, assalam alaikum,"
For about three seconds she was quiet, I guess it was her moment of preparation. Well girls are complicated so I just held on, knowing she would speak.

She started, " waalaikum salam, how have you been?"

I answered, "Fine, alhamdulillah (thank god), yes, how did you remember me?"

She replied, "I needed Zayed's number, please forward it to me,"

I said, " oh ok, let me send it you now, maasalam (with peace/ bye)"

She said, " bikhayr (with good / bye)."

I didn't want to sound so informal. A lot of questions were on my mind. Why would she want Zayed's number now ? Ans why would she call ME for it, she works under Zayed, why doesn't she have his number. I didn't want to bother much and I just sent her the number. And I continued to play my game.

And then another call, later, but this was from Hudaa, I didn't know maybe she started having the pain again. She greeted me and told me she was fine, and gave the phone to her mother.
I understood her moms concern and I talked to her, explaining her what happened and about Hudaa's medication. She thanked me and I could feel the mother relief, then I cut the phone. And played my game, this time starting over, again.

This was so hard. He picked up the phone in no time. When I heard him greet, my breathing became difficult, my heart stopped beating and my brain stopped working and I paused. After composing my self I replied to him and with a serious and formal tone I asked for the number.
His voice was still the same, stiff, kind of rude and full of pride. Thank God he didn't say much because I think my body was producing many sweat glands on his voice.

After 2 minutes, he sent the number. I hurried and called up Zayed. He didn't pick the first two calls then he picked up the third one.

I said, "Assalam alaikum, Sir, please can we meet up for two minutes, I need to speak about something really important, please."

He answered me, "waalaikum salam, who is this? Is it Sofia..."

Oh I had forgotten to introduce myself. How stupid of me. He didn't have my number. Shaking I answered, "Yes sir, it's me Sofia."

He then said with a very caring voice, "Ok, inshaallah, (if God wills), anyways I hope everything is fine. It's just a minute talk I guess, so we can meet, down your house, I will be there in a short while,"

I thanked him and covered my self and went downstairs, to wait for him.

After 3 minutes or so he was there. I greeted him, asked his well being and went straight to the point. I told him if he could use his account to pay for my family's tickets and after 2 days, I would send the money back to his bank account. I was worried, would he understand or not.

And surprisingly he nodded his head and made a phone call, and while dictating me he gave me the code numbers for the tickets. I was so happy, I felt his kindness and his caring nature. He was a really good person. I thanked him and he left.

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