Chapter 25

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ربما كنت تلعب مَعَ قلبي (maybe you were playing with my heart)
أو ربما كان يلعب قلبي معي (or maybe my heart was playing with me) 

We went back home later after one week of our mutual understanding... I went to my home and met my family. They were soooooooooooo happy to see me and I was too. Ammar and I were on good terms, I would say starting to love each other.

He dropped me home and said he had to meet his father, it was a small emergency and he would pick me in the evening. I enjoyed home. My sister and I baked a cake and my brother helped us in icing. It was extremely fun and later after Isha prayer he came to pick me.

As usual when I saw him I would blush and smile and fall in love with him again and again. He came looking dashing and amazing me and relaxing my heart and breaking this moment by looking at me and raising an eyebrow.

I had drowned to not realize where we were. He met my mom and said Salam to her and she hugged him and he then talked and played with my siblings all smiling. And I talked to my mom and bid her goodbye.
I could see the love in him although I could see him stressed or confused or worried but I could feel there was something. After sometime, we left, after huggies and kisses.

We went down and Mr. gentleman opened the door for me. I thanked him and gave him that shy smile to which he smiled back and I blushed my cheeks red and he said, "You not entering the car won't make you reduce the redness on your face."

Or he sounded rather rude when talking. I felt a pain in my heart when he did that. My heart became restless for a moment but I just took a deep breath and entered the car. In the car I asked him,
"Ammar, assalam alaikum, how was your day dear? What was wrong with father? Is everything fine... I missed you today... so muchhh."

And he ignored me. Literally didn't answer. Nor did he look at me. Did I do something to hurt him. Ya Allah I was so scared, why was he like this. I felt like crying, in fact tears were nearly rolling out, my eyes were wet but I just calmed down and said again, "It's ok 'honey' I understand that maybe something is wrong, did I make any mistake. I am sorry if I did..."

And he stopped the car, pulling the brakes very hardly that I hit my head on the door and the lock thing bruised me and some blood came out. I was so hurt not physically but my heart was hurt. What was wrong with him. I don't think I deserved any of this.

After all what did I even do to him. I was crying when I felt him touch my bruise and apply spirit on it. I pushed his hand away because he was the one to cause me this pain. He now talked unexpectedly, "Sofia, look, sorry but I just want you to know whatever I do, I love you..."

When he said that all my eyes, ears and mouth opened and looked at him. My unfaithful heart had forgiven him. It forgot the moment of pain, the moments of sadness and adapted the moments of love, feelings and us.

I said in a moment of deep eye contact  between us and heavy breathing, "I love you too..."
Then I said, "Ammar I will always trust you but is there anything wrong, you can tell me... I will always be there for you."
In this unexpected moment of truth I couldn't figure out anything else to say seeing his worried and tired and hurt face.

He then told me something that broke my heart, broke my hopes, broke my trust, and mostly hurt my heart. He told me in a low, sad voice, "I am getting married tomorrow. Second wife... and just a nikkah."

I had a moment of silence and accepting what he just said. I told him not to joke and he told me, "I am serious. I don't lie and I have no reason lying to you."

I was in shock. I had mixed emotions at that time. I felt heart broken, I felt like I should kill him. I felt like I wasn't the perfect wife. I felt like he didn't love me. I felt jealous. I felt betrayed. I felt like he was insane to tell me this. I felt like he was the worst guy in the world. I felt like I wanted to leave him forever.

I was crying and I couldn't speak the whole time. Although I had no right to stop him because it was allowed by Allah himself who was the best of planners. It was allowed by God to have four wives. If Ammar wanted a second one he didn't have anything to stop him... not even our love. //

We reached in our own house (not in-laws) His house.. and I entered a bedroom and closed the door or better slammed it with no power in my body. I closed the door on his face and locked the room. And he shouted for me to open it for long but I didn't dare - nor did I care at that moment.

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