Chapter 24

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هل هذا انت (is it you)
أو عيني ( or my eyes)

Everyone left that Sunday evening. And Zayed had some issues in our firm so he left too with his wife. And the only people who stayed behind 'forcefully' was Ammar and I. We changed the cottage and I was JUST informed of it. Our families had booked a suite for us in a hotel and it was better than the cottage. It's jacuzzi was like a pool ^_^

I wore my abaya and sat in a beautiful and comfortable bench near the reception of the hotel. He was talking and taking long at the receptionist. Though I was still hurt and angry in a way he still made me lose myself in his eyes and made me shy away from his glance.
Then he came and told me to get up we were going to the room. I looked at him and gave that ' So ? ' look.
But I just saw him walk, unbothered, and I stood up and followed him to our room.

I reached and it was the most amazing room I had ever seen. Maybe it was designed to a theme because everything matched and there was this view which killed me and blew my senses.
But I realized it didn't have sofas or they were removed because there was a big space with very light marks of furniture. I turned to look at the someone who was standing behind me and he looked at me too.

I didn't want to talk but I just did in an angry young woman voice. I said, "mmhm, Where are the sofas ? Please call the room service and tell them to get the sofas or change the room."

First he looked at me sarcastically and then he spoke in that voice which I could listen to for hours and hours if only he talked something sweet.
He said, "I was the one to get the sofas removed..."

I gave him that *big-open-mouth* look and he then came closer. And as he was taking a step ahead, I took another behind. What were his intentions today. I guess a patient that too a mental one transferred his mentalness into my doctor. I was taking deep breaths to not realize or to do realize I was now at the end of a wall. Not again !!

And I was asking myself, if he watched some Bollywood movie before coming here - why is he doing the heroic romantic scene. Well he continued. I was about to go away when he kept his hand caging me in the middle and coming closer - I could hear his heartbeats in the silent room we were in.

And he spoke, " Sofia, darling.." before he continued I gave that ** omg what ! Confused ?$??#: type look **
I wanted to ask him are you ok when he put his hand on my mouth. I thought I would need the emergency ward at the hospital after this.

And he said, " I know our marriage was arranged. But I want to know you. I want to give our relationship a chance, it's rights and what you deserve..." I was in awe and I guess I was about to get a minor heart attack.

My eyes had widened and I even pinched myself to wake up from this dream. But I just got hurt and he was still there, our breaths mingling. I just couldn't say a word and I smiled at the person I was angry at a few seconds ago. He was a hypnotizer.

I went to the washroom and after praying and eating dinner I was going to sleep but I remembered him. And just as I was to ask him. What is the plan. I saw a someone making a bridge of pillows in our bed. Oh I got it. I didn't say anything but it was a good start.
After that he looked at me and me at him. And we lost ourselves in each other's eyes. And then I broke the moment and told him, "Don't be shocked when you find yourself in my arms in the morning. Goodnight..." and he chuckled and told me in Turkish, "tamam." (Done/alright). I was floored.

I knew she was still hurt. I had told the receptionists to remove the sofas because I wanted my relationship with Sofia to work. I guess my heart had now accepted her as the life partner. I went to her and she was sitting quietly. I told her to get up and she seemed angry but I just ignored her knowing she would follow and she did... like - My wife was so 'predictable.'

We reached the room and I could see her amazed reaction on the beauty of the room. I felt happy when she was. Maybe that was love I felt. Then she turned to look at me and I at her and she asked me the obvious question I was expecting although she acted as if she was talking to me forcefully but I know she loved me and was dying from within.

I gave her a look such as I didn't even understand what she was saying. And I answered her. Seeing her reaction, I knew it was the time to get myself forgiven and so I went closer and she moved further until she realized she can't escape my love.

She was shy and awed and was dying for this I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to leave seeing my changed behavior but I caged her, our eyes in love and our breaths ~ one scent.
And she wanted to talk and comment when I put my hand on her mouth seeing her astonished and floored and unreactant in my love. I noticed her pinching herself, the movie way of waking from a dream and I smiled in my heart.

And I said whatever I wanted to and she smiled, well I knew her heart had melted ^_^ and I left her and she was blushing all the way.

Later I thought of creating the border in our bed as the first step towards our love because I wanted her to accept me too. I knew she was going to ask how we will sleep.

And she did, I swear I could predict her now. What a beauty she was and she realized how we were sleeping looking at the big bed and our eyes met and met and met and I drowned. She said something in her sweet, honey, magical voice which made me realize the humor and love and naiveness in her. And I chuckled and I wished it was true.

> I would find myself in her arms <

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