Chapter: 11

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Jessica's P.O.V.




I woke up to my brothers yelling. Music for my ears. I got blue paint in Scott's shampoo, Red Paint on Liam's clothes (On clothes that were not dirty) and paint on Matt's face. He looked like a clown. I also put toothpaste in shoes for all of them. Of course, Jade helped me.

"Wake up" I said to Jade who was asleep on the floor. "What the actual f^ck do you want?!" She responded not opening her eyes. She was very tired from the night. It's very stressful to set up traps for the 3 Johnson brothers. You never know if you'll return home. "You better leave right now. They will kill me if they find out that you were here. And they will kill you because you helped me" I said smiling. "Thank you for calming me" She said as she left from the window.

I don't know if i want to leave. I slowly stepped out of my room but got dragged into Liam's. "What the.... Oh" I said as I saw Liam smirking with 2 whipped cream cans in his hands. I burst into laughing when I saw his outfit. He was wearing whole red T-Shirt and red pants. "Good choice bro" I laughed very hard. "Did you finish?" He rolled his eyes. "Not yet" I said pointing finger and continued laughing. He rolled his eyes.

I calmed down and wiped my tears away. I noticed 2 whipped cream cans and stepped back. Well let's just say that it ended with me with cream on the whole body running out from his room. I let out a sigh of relief thinking I was safe but saw Matthew smirking.

"Don't move" I said pointing finger as I walked closer to stairs. He walked closer and I ran downstairs but I tripped and fell in syrup which was all over the floor. Clever move. "Ugh" I said as I saw Matthew standing next to me laughing. I was whole covered in syrup. "You think that's funny?!" I asked  and pushed him into the syrup 'pool' with me. "idiot" He mumbled as he fell.

I don't know how I missed his clown look. I laughed. "So clown college did not want you either?" I said laughing. "Ha ha you are so funny" He said mocking me and splotched the syrup on my face with his hand. "Now that was funny" He said. "You!" Before I could attack him I realized that the 3rd brother was probably on his way to have his revenge on me.

"Turn around" Someone said from behind me. I turned around and saw Scott with water guns in his hands. But traditionally there's no water inside. There's f^cking fish juice! And yes I said fish juice!

Again I burst out of laughing because of his blue hair. "Did you know that fish was good for your eyes?" He said. My eyes widened. I got an idea. I hid behind Matt holding him tightly. "What?" Matt said in terror. He couldn't really move since we were standing in syrup and his strength was ineffective this time. "Don't you dare to shoot your youngest brother" I warned. They both rolled their eyes. "Put the weapons down and roll them to me" I said. "No" He said simply.

"Matt move before I shoot you"

"No it's my birthday tomorrow"

"I'm the oldest"

"I'm the youngest"

"You both suck" Matt said. "I said weapon down" I said. "Okay fine" He said as he put both guns on the floor and rolled them to me. I Matt go and he put me in front of him as a shield. "No" I screamed before Scott took out another gun from behind. "Help" I mumbled before he sprayed me with that disgusting liquid. I turned to stairs but he was chasing me.

"Whats going on?" Liam asked. I bumped into him on the stars and I hid behind him. Scott shot him too. "Oh sh^t" Liam exclaimed. We all laughed. God we were all covered in feathers, syrup, fish juice, whipped cream, paint and so on. "I think we can all agree who the winner is this time" Scott said flexing his muscles. "Shut up moron" Matt said from upstairs and before we know it a giant bucket of pink paint has fallen onto us. "Bow to the king!" Matthew said and laughed maniacally. I don't know if I like this tradition anymore.

It was already 23:00. We all took a shower and sat on the couch in the living room. "What now" They all asked. I stood in front of TV and smirked. "NOO!" Matt screamed. Liam let out a fake cry and Scott laughed. Matt put his head in his hands and Liam rubbed his back and said "We will be fine". 

I took my air microphone. "I've been down so long it look like up to me. They look up to me. I got fake people showing fake love to me straight up to my face. Straight up to my face" I sang 'Fake Love' by Drake. Drake is Awesome! My brothers looked at Scott. "I've been down so long it look like up to me. They look up to me. I got fake people showing fake love to me straight up to my face. Straight up to my face" I sang dancing weirdly. Wow, this time Liam joined me. He started dancing and singing on the couch. Scott ran to me. "No no no no no" I screamed as he picked me up. "Night butt-faces!" I yelled to Matt and Liam while Scott was carrying me upstairs. "Good night" They said back in sync.

Scott carried me upstairs and put me in my room. "Night" He said and kissed my cheek. I landed on my bed. 

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