Chapter: 18

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''Rock paper scissors...- Ugh Jessica just get it!" we were interrupted by Scott. "Fine" I said and stuck out my tongue at Matt and he did the same.

I opened the door and saw the person I least wanted to see. It was...

Jessica's P.O.V.

It was Veronica.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked rather shocked and a bit scared to see my school enemy at my front door looking pissed as f^ck. "You fake^ss wh^re!" She screamed at me. "What hell is your problem!" I yelled back annoyed. "You just had to! You guys just had to get together and then break up! How do you manage to mess up everything?!" She screamed again. I'm so lost. "Okay listen here b^tch. HE broke up with me. And I think it's a good decision since it wasn't working out and we both decided that staying as friends is better so f^ck off!" I yelled at her. "Can you look around and notice someone except for yourself?! He broke up with you because you're worthless. But the thing is, he wants to get back together but don't you dare steal my man you get it b^tch?" She yelled once again.

Get back together? What? He broke up with me on the phone. Now he wants us back. I'll admit I still have feelings for him but I still haven't recovered. "Hello? Wake up!" She started waving her hand in front of me. "Don't you dare come close to him or I will ruin your life!" She threatened me. Oh, bad move. "F^ck you" I said rather pissed. And then *SLAP* I felt a hard pain on my left cheek. She just slapped me. That's when my fist crashed right into her nose. She held her nose in pain.

"That's it get the f^ck out of here!" Scott roared at her. "Oh you'll pay! You ALL will pay! Say sweet bye bye to your social life!" She screamed as Matt put me into a side hug. "F^ck off" Liam yelled after her as she left.

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asked. I could see worry in his eyes. "Yes I'm fine" I said. "You're shivering. You should put ice on that" Scott said pointing to my cheek. I nodded and did as I was told. Now we are all gathered in living room on the sofa. "And remember. She can never do anything to you. We will never let this happen. She's just a insecure bully so don't mind her. She's just jealous" Scott said. "Thanks" I said.

"I'll go play guitar" I said. "Why?" Matt asked. "No reason" I said and shrugged. I went to my room and grabbed my red guitar and started to play a song I wrote after I broke up with Carter. 

(A/N: this is a song 'Bring it Back' by Shawn Mendes but let's pretend that Jessica wrote it)

"But I-I know...

That I can't go back... To this... To him...

To what we used to have...

It's black, and burnt...

My god this is so.. sad and it'll only make things worse

If we Bring It Back.. ooh yeah yeah hey


If we bring it back...

I finished the song only to hear clapping coming from outside. I said Matt standing there in amusement. I laughed lightly. "It was very good. I didn't know you could sing" He said. I smiled. "I mean you would sing before we put you to sleep but this was different" he said and I chuckled. Matt was also good at music. He was the one to teach me how to play guitar. "Did you write that?" He asked. "Yup" I said as I put my guitar back. "Wow" He said rather proud. "Well the song is good" He said. "Thanks" I said giggling. Matt opened his mouth to speak but instantly shut it. "What?" I asked confused. "Never mind" he smiled and shook his head. And turned around to leave.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

"But I don't get the lyrics of the song" He turned around and shot it out as if he was willing to ask it forever. "What's wrong with the lyrics?" I asked. "I just don't get it. You said you can't go back to him. Why?" He said. I sat silent as starred at my feet. "I understand that he broke your heart but I mean why would he want to get back together then? Doesn't it sound suspicious?" He asked. "Stop watching detective movies" I said and sat on my bed.

"Jessica" He said full of concern. "I don't know. When he said those things. It hurt me. I felt safe with him. It sucks when someone is everything you think about and then they betray you. I need some time" I said. I meant every word but I still had feelings for him. "If you say so. Deep inside I actually liked that guy" He said. "Yeah sure. The proof is his broken nose" I said with sarcasm and Matt chuckled.

"That doesn't count Jess. The reason was that he stood up to us when everyone else would sh^t their pants. We said no kissing and he raised his voice saying you already kissed more than once" he said. I smiled. "Nobody would dare to speak to us that way. He wasn't even scared. Who would climb up to your room to give you your birthday present? No one. I think he loves you J. A lot. He's just too dumb to realize it. Anyway he's a total jerk" He said and I smiled as he mentioned a present. A photo frame with a picture of me and Carter in it.

Wait. What? "How did you know?" I asked. He laughed. "You know it was in your room all the time written 'From Carter' on it right?" He said and I face-palmed myself.

Suddenly I realized something. "But it still doesn't explain your presence in my bedroom" I said and started to get pissed. He laughed again. "Night sis" he said still laughing as he kissed my cheek and stormed out of my bedroom. "Idiot" I muttered.

How did he even work this stuff out. I checked my phone and got a new message. From Carter. I groaned.

It said: I'm sorry! I'm sure you think that I'm a jerk but listen! I didn't cheat. I don't like another girl but you. I love you more than everything in the world! I miss you but we can't be together. It's complicated. I can't tell you. Please don't hate me. Staying as friends will be the best for both of us. Hope you understand

I just ignored it. Part of me said to ask him what's wrong but another part said to leave it cause it's too personal. 

I changed into my PJs and lied in my bed. It's complicated? What has gotten into him?

I just laid in my bed thinking about tomorrow. The first day of 10th grade.

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