Chapter: 19

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The first day of school:

Jessica's P.O.V.

The alarm clock is going off. I groan loudly as I turn it off and try to get back to my sleep. But who will let me?

Then I hear loud knocking on my door. Oh no god please no! Have mercy!

"Jessie, baby you need to get up early unless you want to be late for the first day of school" A relief traveled down my body as I heard my mom's sweet voice instead of my brothers' raspy ones. "Oh, it's you mom. Come in" I said and sat up. She opened the door and peeked in. "Get ready soon and come down for breakfast" She said. "Okay" I said and she left.

What to wear? What to wear? Ugh why god why! I don't want to go to school. Summer went by too fast. I don't want to go back to that hell hole filled with fake people. Can you relate?

I searched through my closet and finally got the perfect outfit. I applied some light make up, plugged in my earphones and started jamming. "A few times I've been round that track, so it's not just gonna happen like that" I sang quietly as I walked in the kitchen.

"Cause I ain't no holla back girl" My mom joined in while making pancakes. I just shrugged and smiled. "I ain't no holla back girl" I continued as I made a small dance with my mom.

I just noticed, my brothers have been sitting there the whole time. "Well an apple doesn't fall far from the apple tree" Liam commented before biting into his apple.

"Indeed it doesn't. You're acting just like your father. He used to make lame jokes too" My mom said as she smiled in victory. "She won bro" Matt said. Liam glared at him. "Just saying" He added as he raised his arms in surrender.

Then I noticed one of the family members missing. "Hey where's Scott" I asked. "I thought he was driving us today"

"I'll give you a ride. He left earlier for uni today as he said: I don't want to be late because of those idiots" My mom replied. "B^tch" Liam mumbled. I laughed slightly.

I finished my breakfast and walked to the mirror. "Seriously can I get a map? Cause I'm getting lost in your eyes" I said to myself in the mirror as I imitated Corbyn Besson in the last sentence.

"If I were you I would stop flirting to myself and get into the car as soon as possible" I jumped at the voice behind me which was coming out from Matthew. I grinned in response and walked to the door with my brothers waiting for mom.

"Okay let's go guys! Get in the car! Quick or you'll be late" My mom came running to the car. "Mom you know I can drive" Liam said. "I know I just missed this" She said and kissed his forehead. We all got into the car as I turned on a song.

These girls by Why Don't We.

I jammed all the way to school which seemed to annoy my brothers even more. Great.

We finally arrived. "Have a great first day at school guys I love you!" My mom said as we left. We all responded with bye, okay, whatever and stuff and left.

We all walked our separate ways. I met up with Jade and Maddie. We chattered for a while until I remembered something. "I need to get my schedule" I said. "Go then. Meet ya at lunch" Jade said as they both walked off.

I got my schedule and starting walking back to my locker. I got out a history book since I had it first but then something very interesting caught my eye.

The hall was empty. Only me and 2 people. A guy hitting on a girl. I could tell she was not comfortable. "Come on you know you want it" The guy said. "Get off me leave me alone" She said rather calmly trying to get out from his grip but she failed.

I recognized the girl. She was in my class. Her name is Isabella. She has black hair and brown eyes. (A/N: you're in the story. dragonspell2231 )

I walked up to them. "Hey! Leave her alone" I said to the guy. "What are you gonna do?" He said smirking. "You don't want to know" I said as I tightened my fists. "Listen here b^tch. I know who you are but you should mind your own business or I'll break your face" He said getting pissed as he took my left wrist and starting twisting it.

"Oh, I guess I'll just-WHACK! A straight punch was placed onto his nose by me.

"Who's the b^tch now?" I said as he was holding his nose. I kicked him in the shin and he left glaring at me. "Oh my god thank you so much" Isabella said. I smiled but my smile soon faded as I saw Mr. Brown, our principal standing there watching the show.

"Miss Johnson. You need to come with me" He said as he walked to his office. "F^ck" I mumbled as I groaned and followed him.

*In the Office*

"Violence is not an answer" He said. I sat in front of him. "What?" I snapped out.

"So you're saying that I should've left the girl under the abuse or let him hurt me and then complain?" I snapped.

"If you say so. I called your mom. There was no need to come here. You're a straight A student with no trouble and I'll let you get away this time with detention after lessons but you need to apologize" He said.

"Oh I can Imagine this. *I took the air phone* Mrs Johnson? Yes it's principal brown, your daughter is having detention because she saved a girl from abuse by punching him" I said mimicking him. Okay maybe I went too far but he knew I was right. He gave me a 'apologize' look.

"Okay I'm sorry for defending myself" I said. He let out a deep sigh. "Leave before I change my mind" He said. I annoyed him. "Yes sir" I said as I pointed out my hand to my forehead as I'm a soldier and left with a victory smile on my face. He loves my brothers; Otherwise it wouldn't have worked

I walked down the hallway and bumped into Isabella. The girl I saved earlier. "Hey I wanted to say thank you for saving me for that turd" She said. "It's okay anytime" I winked and noticed it was already lunch. "Want to have lunch with me?" I suggested. "Sure" she said and we walked to the cafeteria and sat next to Jade and Maddie.

"Okay let me get this straight. So the rumors are true" Maddie said. "What rumors" I said confused. "That you beat up Jake Thompson" Jade said. "Well, not like that. I just saved Isabella. All I did was punch him and kick him in the shin" I said biting into my apple. "Earning a detention" I said.

"But I have to admit she talked to him like a savage. I was listening" She said. I smiled proudly as I told them about what happened in the office. "My girl is a badass" Jade said and high fived me.

The school day was over and I headed to the detention class. I walked in only to bump into Matt. "What are you doing here" I asked. "I could say the same to you" he said.

I told him everything. "Wow, compared to you I'm an angel. All I did was talk back to Mrs. Clark" He said. "Does mom know about it?" I asked. "Yeah and there's gonna be a hell of a talk when we get home" He said and I groaned.


We headed back home. We got there and walked in. Mom, Scott and Liam were sitting on the couch. Liam really seemed to be amused as he was waiting for us to get punished. "They're screwed" He whispered to Scott and they both smirked.

Mom was glaring at us like a mad man. If looks could kill... "We're f^cked" Matt mumbled to me and I nodded in agreement.

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