Chapter: 22

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*Hope everyone is staying home and healthy. Sending love

*Let me know what you think in the comments

Jessica's P.O.V.

I was shocked to see the figure sitting there at my desk.

"Pops?" I was happy and panicky at the same time.


"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough, but hello sweetheart I missed you so much" He said and we hugged. "I missed you too. Sorry I did not come out earlier I was... in the bathroom" I said. "Before or after you sneaked out with you brother" He said chuckling.

"I can explain" I started and he started laughing. "Don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone" He said. "Really? Thank you thank you thank you" I said and hugged him. "You know when I was your age, I sneaked out to spy on my sister's date" He said proudly. "But don't do that, alright?"

"Oh, I would never" I said. "Good"

"Speaking of dates. I think Scott went on one today I wonder how it went" I said. "What is going on in this house. One brother is in love, one is desperate for love" I interrupted him. "Desperate for love?" I said holding in my laughter. "Liam and I had a man talk" He elaborated.

Oh, what did you make up Liam.

"And the third brother, the last thing I remember is him throwing away some girl's teddy bear in the garbage when he was in Kindergarten. I should totally ask him about the present when I see him" He finished and I giggled.

"What about the sister, huh?" He asked and I sighed. "Is everything okay?

"I think it's time I tell you too" I said and before starting to tell him about my summer romance with Carter.

Liam's P.O.V.

"You need to chill out!" Scott was still chasing me around the kitchen.

"Following me to a date?! What kind of a psycho creepy person does that?!"

"It's not that big of a deal! She wasn't even my type" I screamed back and dodged the spatula he threw at me in anger.

"Enough you two!" Mom yelled and we stopped arguing. "Liam it is an unacceptable behavior and you're grounded. You can't invade a person's personal space like that"

I smirked remembering our conversation earlier. "You're right I'm sorry. But I have to say our talk really helped me; I won't do it again"

"Oh my poor baby. Fine the punishment's off but you have to apologize to your brother" Mom bought my act and Scott just stood there very confused.

"I'm sorry Scotty" I said sticking out my bottom lip and he flipped me off when mom left. "We need to talk" I started. "I'm done talking to you" He said about to leave. "But it's about a pigeon!" I finally said and  he stopped.

The phrase "It's about a pigeon" for the Johnson siblings means "sibling/s is in trouble no one can know". It received its meaning when 8 year old Matthew "accidentally", but I'm pretty sure he's just an anger issued f^ck, threw a rock at a pigeon but hit Jessica instead. Of course, mom soon noticed her leg because she was limping but at the time we promised not to tell anybody and we kept that promise. As years went by, the sentence became an unbreakable spell.

"What now?"

"Well, when I was spying on you, like a caring brother I am" He rolled his eyes at me. "I happened to bump into someone I wasn't expecting at all. They really should not have been there"

"Who?" He asked. "Think fast dumba$$ JESSICA AND MATTHEW"

"WHAT?!" He raised his voice. "Shh!"

"You started it" He said. "They were out all the time, I don't even know if they managed to sneak back in" I said.

"Well mom clearly has no idea" He said and our eyes widened. "POPS!"

Jessica's P.O.V.

"That is pretty much it" I said. "That little b^stard should know better than cheat on my precious granddaughter. Where the hell were your brothers?"

Just when he said it, Scott and Liam ran into my room. Liam slipped on one of my slippers (hehehe) and Scott landed on him. They groaned in pain while I giggled. They got up and looked at us.

"Hey pops" Scott greeted him with a hug. "Cut it out now. Why did not you do anything about the jerk that broke your sister's heart?

"huh?" They were still dumbstruck after the gracious landing. "He's talking about Carter" I explained.

"Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but I do recall breaking his nose" Liam and said and Scott nodded in agreement. Grandpa just furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that part" I said and smiled innocently. "And may I add, it was before we found out he was cheating"

"Is that how men handle things?" Grandpa said and looked at Liam. "Pops come on I'm still recovering" Liam said raising his eyebrows as if he was reminding him something.

"Oh, I'm sorry buddy. You take your time" Pops replied sympathetically "Alright I'm going to bed, it was really nice talking to you" He said to us warmly and patted Liam's shoulder on his way out.

"Why the f^ck is this house upside down today?" Scott said while Liam laughed. "Pops said he is not going to tell mom. Scott knows you spied on him. Me and Matt are here and safe. Thanks you you can leave now" I said. They looked at me and raised one eyebrow.

"Please annoy someone else I'm exhausted" I said begging. "Fine. Good night princess" Scott said and kissed my forehead. I looked at Liam asking for a kiss and he said "Oh you're still getting it for pulling me into this".

I huffed and said "Scott don't forget it was Liam's idea to spy on your rendezvous".

"Oh I know" He said and smacked his head. "ow!".

"Okay out! Now!" I said already tired of them. I can only take a certain amount of time with them. They looked at each other for a second.



With that they left and in a few minutes I heard a loud thump and yelling. Poor Matt.

After this chaotic day, I was craving some long, deep sleep to prepare myself for the Monday morning. I laid in my bed and got a message in a group chat with me, Maddie and Jade. It was from Maddie.

I heard there's a new boy transferring to our school.

*Ooh is he good-looking?

*Don't forget to comment and vote

*Sorry for the late update. But new chapter every Monday <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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