Chapter: 17

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Jessica's P.O.V.

It's been 3 days. I woke up to the sound of a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I said. "Hey It's me" It was Matt. "Come in" I said and rested my head on the pillow. "I know It's healthy to get enough sleep but going out in the sun is a lot healthier" He said as he came in. Seriously? I don't buy it.

"Is it another way of saying sorry?" I said still my face in my pillow. "Maybe" He said and shrugged. "Just get out" I said. "Ugh, you are such a stubborn thing! You don't understand that Carter is a jerk" He said. I lifted my head up. "Is he?" I asked raising one eyebrow. "I mean" He said dragging the 'e'. I raised my both eyebrows.

"Oh my god fine he really really really likes you maybe a little too much and hmph-"he landed on my bed with his face in my matress and I couldn't understand what he was saying. "Then why are you saying that he's a jerk" I asked out of curiosity. "I don't know I'm your older brother" He said. "So you forgive me". "Get out" I said. He rolled his eyes and left.

Despite the fact that I really wanted to get my loving brothers back, I still don't get why they think he's a jerk. By the way, He hasn't texted me after that day. I don't blame him for this but sometimes I think that I'm the only one caring about our relationship. Or am I moving too fast?Ugh, f^ck teen fictions about romance they have so much effect on me!

I texted Carter and went downstairs. I left my phone in my room. "Morning" I mumbled. "Hey" They answered in sync. We sat there in silence. I could not think of any words to say. But suddenly Liam broke the silence. "You know mom has already found out about this" He said. "What?" I shot out. "You heard me" He said. "You are so worried that you'll get punished? chill" Scott said and went back to his phone. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not about that idiots! Now that she found out she will be worried sick! You just had to make her nervous did you even think about that?" I rambled. "I don't know. Do YOU care about your family members' feelings?" Scott said. I sat silent. "Do you understand how much they love and care for you and don't want you to get hurt? Do you think twice before you stab their heart with your words?" He said. Again silence. "Do you think twice before you stab their heart with your actions?" I mumbled. "What?" Liam asked. "Nothing" I said and went upstairs.

I walked into my room and took my phone. I couldn't believe what it said. Message from Carter saying he liked another girl. Saying he couldn't date me anymore because he could not feel any connection between us anymore. Another girl? who? He was lying and cheating on me all the time! This can't be right. I texted him back immediately but all he said was 'Just forget about us. It wouldn't work out. I'm sorry'.

Wow, that really hurt. How could I forget about us when he made me fall for him? He made me feel so special. Even though I really hated him at this point I still wanted to run in his arms and feel those emotions again.

A tear dropped from my eye. How could he do this to me? I was angry and sad at the same time. Then I remembered mom's words when I told her about my first crush. 'There are gonna be a lot of boys you'll like, before you find the one'

I wiped my tears and got a message from mom. I called her.

mom - Jessie? Are you alright?

me - yeah mom. how are you?

mom - The question is how are you. Why would you scream at your brothers like that?

me - Because they were being heartless mom! I was right! but that's not the point I don't know mom I don't know anything. I don't get anything! I wish you were here

mom - What happened honey?

me - Carter or call him my so called ex boyfriend turned out to be a jerk

mom - I'm so sorry honey.

me - It's fine

mom - You really liked him huh?

me - I thought he liked me back just as much

mom - Try to get your mind off of it. While you do, time will heal your broken heart

me - Thanks mom

mom - I love you baby girl bye

me - bye

With that I went downstairs and sat next to them. "Woah, what happened?" Matt said as he noticed that I cried. I just rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Okay, you gotta tell me what's going on" Liam said. I gave him my phone and they all read my messages. I hate when they are doing this but now I needed it. Matt put his hand around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

I thought there would be another awkward silence but.. "YES I KNEW! IT I KNEW IT! LIAM JOHNSON NEVER PUNCHES SOMEONE IN THE FACE FOR NOW REASON! WHOO I'M ALWAYS RIGHT LOSERS!!!" Liam jumped up and screamed pointing at us. I just chuckled and mouthed him a thank you.

I sat next to Scott and hugged him. Liam was still celebrating his victory with his happy dance. "We're still sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration but this time it turned out well" Scott said. "Apology accepted" I said. Liam was still dancing his happy dance. "Dude stop!" Matt said and threw a pillow at him.

"You're still grounded" Scott said. "What? You are so annoying. Just being the pain in the ^ss. Your life priority is to torture and annoy the hell out of me" I said what I was holding in. Liam laughed a little and was about to say something but Matt interrupted him. "Dude leave her alone she's probably on her period" He said. I slapped him hard in the arm and glared at him while they all laughed. Idiots.

I'm so glad that we sorted this out.

"So now that you broke up am I allowed to beat the rainbows out of him?" Liam said. "No, that's the last thing I want" I said. "Ew do you still have feelings for that guy? Oh my god are you cheating on Shawn?" Scott acted dramatic. I glared at him and gasped. "You know I would never cheat on Shawney you bastard!" I said and put hand on my heart before I hit him hard with a pillow.

That was the start of another pillow fight. I don't enjoy it much. There're all 3 of them against me like that's not even fair. I ended up laying on the couch with Liam sitting me. "So, who's your favorite brother?" He asked. "Scott" I yelled and Scott high fived me before Liam hit me with pillow again. Scott seemed to be amused looking at us from the armchair.

"Again who's your favorite brother?" Liam asked again. "Matt" I responded and he hit me again. "Wrong!" He said hitting me. "Fine its you!" I screamed. "Hey" Matt and Scott said in sync and Matt threw a pillow at me after Liam got off me. I didn't know he was so heavy I almost blocked out.

We sat there watching TV when someone rang the doorbell. "Jess open it" Matt said. "What? You get it" I said. I don't know why but since we were the younger one we always used to argue about this. Liam and Scott didn't seem to be bothered. There's one way out of this. "Rock paper scissors- Ugh, Jessica just get it!" we were interrupted by Scott. "Fine" I said and stuck out my tongue at Matt and he did the same.

I opened the door and saw the person I least wanted to see. It was...



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