IX. The Sober Lord

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Ralph was once more absent at Grey's. Months of investigating the slavery case had eaten most of his time, leaving Nicholas and Maxwell at the mercy of their other friends who were either too bloody drunk before the fun started or out early to dally with their lovers.

Nicholas may be a rake, but he did not prefer to have mistresses as he could always go to Rock'oles. The women might be more expensive, but nothing could compare to how much one would have to spend on one mistress alone. Maxwell, on the other hand, had lovers every now and then, but he was not one who would keep them for long. He found the entire business in keeping a mistress tedious and clamoring for a woman's attention at Rock'oles pitiful.

"Should we pack our bags and go around Town?" Nicholas asked Maxwell.


"Wickhurst is proving to be quite a bore, is it not?"

"Truly?" a voice asked behind them.

They both turned to see Cole Devitt standing beside William Wakefield, both men grinning at them as though they enjoyed Nicholas and Maxwell's present pitiful condition.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Nicholas demanded at their two brother-in-laws.

"Margaret does not mind," the brown-haired Devitt replied, walking over to the chair beside Maxwell. "In fact, it was her she who suggested I stay away from my study and be at Grey's." He raised his hand to get the server's attention.

"I, on the other hand, have the freedom of a good husband," Wakefield said with a sneer, signaling the server for his drink, taking the seat beside Nicholas.

"I do not believe Ysabella would readily agree to you being here," Nicholas said, "considering how this place was practically your home before you married."

Wakefield's blonde locks moved as he shook his head. "Oh, no, she did say yes."

"After she learned that I shall be in his company," Cole added.

Nicholas and Maxwell both scoffed. "I have to admit you had been quite fun before you married," Nicholas said to Wakefield.

"But he can no longer have the same fun, can you, Wakefield?" Maxwell asked Wakefield, his tone laced with warning.

Wakefield groaned. "Of course," their brother-in-law answered wryly.

"By the by," Cole asked, looking around, "has Ralph returned yet?"

"No," Nicholas said. "Still on that bloody case." Cole made no comment as the slavery case was a sensitive case and even Wakefield could not be privy to it.

"I have heard of the accident in the mines," Wakefield said, voice turning serious. "You ought to be grateful no one was fatally hurt."

Nicholas nodded. "But Max here believes a different theory." He inclined his head toward Maxwell.

Maxwell let out a heavy sigh. "I do not expect you to believe it. Stop telling everyone."

But he had already caught Cole's attention and his brother-in-law frowned at him. The bastard reminded Maxwell that he was the Head of the Man of Courts in Wickhurst and that he was married to their sister who was a member of the League of Founders. If there was anyone who would take his claims seriously, it would be Cole and his wife, Margaret. "What led you to believe so?" Cole asked.

"The fact that everyone came out alive," he muttered dryly.

"But you must be grateful none died!" Wakefield uttered.

"Exactly what I told him," Nicholas said.

"An explosion that happened at the least expected location in the mine ought to be considered malicious," Maxwell countered.

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