XXIII. Ruckus

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A nearly eerie silence fell into the room. Nicholas might be simply shocked but for Maxwell, it was something else entirely. It was far beyond being startled. Fear and panic were laced with the fuddled look on his face as he gauged the valet's reaction.

The first to move was her. She blinked and everything in her face changed. She managed to pull an invisible curtain to hide the hatred he saw in her eyes. "Pardon, my lords," she murmured, bending down to gather the tray and the teacups. "I shall have this one cleaned right away," she added as she straightened on her feet.

"Ah, bother not, Max," Nicholas said. "Let the maid clean the mess later. My brother and I are discussing something of import."

She nodded stiffly, eyes on Nicholas but never on him, which was far worse than receiving a murderous glare.

Maxwell started for the door the very moment the valet walked out.

"Where are you going?" Nicholas demanded.

"I would like to have a moment to think alone," he snapped over his shoulder. "You stay here," he ordered, slamming the door behind him.

She was already nearing the end of the corridor and into the hallway when he ran up to her. "What you heard was—"

"I do not wish to see you or hear your voice," she seethed. Her shoulders were stiff and her steps hurried.

"You have not yet heard of my entire plan. You do not—"

"Max!" a voice said from the main doorway. He stopped and turned to find Ralph striding toward them and the valet. "Good that you are here. Samuel and I called upon you in your estate and were informed that you are here."

The woman had stiffened beside Maxwell, her already blanched face turning even paler. He returned his eyes on Ralph and realized that Samuel Theobald was walking right behind his brother.

"Good day, my lord," his brother's friend greeted. "Pardon for the intrusion, but your brother insisted."

The valet whirled around and scurried back into the corridor where she came from and disappeared.

Maxwell frowned and turned his attention back on the two intruders.

"Samuel is currently in a big dilemma, one that needs our help."

The young man beside Ralph apologetically smiled. "I merely specifically asked for Ralph's help but he has decided for himself that you and Nicholas could offer assistance."

"A matter of truth as my brothers do know more people than I," Ralph said. "Can you spare us a bit of your time?" he asked Maxwell. "Is Nicholas in residence? We are about to discuss a delicate matter that requires your confidence." Ralph started to move. "We must bring this to the study."

Maxwell studied Samuel Theobald. He met the young man's hesitant pale grey eyes.

"Bloody hell," he muttered as realization crept in.

"What was that?" Ralph asked.

"Nothing," he snapped. "I said, lead the way."

His eyes wandered down the corridor. She was gone. She must have escaped into the secret service corridor.

As his brother and Samuel Theobald entered the study, Maxwell hesitated. What if she suddenly decided to act on impulse and escape?

"Max?" Ralph asked while Nicholas' voice from inside could be heard saying, "What is this now?"

Maxwell turned and entered the room.

She would not go away for now, he reassured his mind before he closed the door and locked it.

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