XIV. Silence

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"A negotiation," he wryly uttered, looking her up and down.

She stuck up her chin in response to his gaze. "I had to do what I did because I am in search of someone. I do not wish to cause the Everards harm." When Maxwell remained quiet, she added, "I am inclined to believe that you suspect me of spying for whatever reason you may have. That is not the case."

"I do not hear a negotiation. You are wasting my time," he said, taking a step back.

She held out her hand to stop the door from closing. "I shall leave the moment I find what I am looking for. Merely give me a month or so." He watched while her hand disappeared inside the breast pocket of her coat. His brow rose when it reappeared and she held out a ruby necklace. "This is my most valuable possession at the moment and I give it to you in return for your silence."

His lips twitched in an incredulous smile. "Do you realize, woman, that you are facing an Everard? We mine jewels. Why do you believe that I would take that piece of garbage?"

He saw the hurt in her eyes before it quickly vanished. She smiled. "I know the Everards cannot mine rubies, my lord."

"And I say I do not need—"

She surprised him yet again by grabbing his hand and forced the ruby necklace into his palm. "There. It is yours for now. You will have to return it when I leave." She stepped back and turned away. "For your silence, my lord."

Maxwell did not realize that he was gaping after the valet.

Did she call that a negotiation?

It was a bloody attack!


Maxine's heart was pounding hard against her chest when she reached the cabin she had to share with the carriage driver. The man was already snoring, deep asleep.

She had done it.

She faced Maxwell Everard and delivered what she had been practicing for hours earlier.

It was true that he did not need the ruby. But it was the only valuable possession she had that she could not part with for long. Her father had given it to her for her sixteenth birthday and she would get it back. But for now, Maxwell Everard would have to think that she was not who he suspected to be. He might now believe she was a thief who stole a ruby. Bloody hell, he might even be inclined to think she was gentry.

Her move was not to pay him for her silence, her move was meant to startle him and make him think of her true motives further. It would give her time. She was innocent of anything other than hiding who she truly was. He would not find anything suspicious about her.

For the meanwhile she was satisfied that the man was left even more baffled.

For certain he would confront her once again and by then she shall be prepared.


Maxine was cursing inside her head.

She was not complaining, really, but why did Nicholas have to bring so many bags? Her arms wanted to give up on her, having gone two trips down the stairs carrying two bags at once. If Albin did not provide a list of the things that Nicholas preferred to be brought along with him during travels such as this, she would have packed merely two bags for him. Surely he would not need this many! His brother surely did not!

And speaking of the brother, did she have to carry his things as well?

She merely had one bag! One bag! And these two brothers brought along as much as her wardrobe in Theobald!

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