Blurb: Remember Then

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Remember Then will start in THREE days!

Remember Then will start in THREE days!

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Sophia owes her life to none but one man: Marcus Durley. He accepts and respects her for who she is and he never flinches at the touch of her when everyone else will. After saving her from the hell she has been living in for more than half her life, he took her to Rock'oles, the most affluent and sophisticated brothel in the Town, where women are given freedom to select those they only wish to welcome in their beds, a far cry from the brothel slum Marcus rescued her from. 

But Sophia is not like the rest of the prostitutes. Her role is not to service men in bed, instead she serves them to serve Marcus' plans. She does what Marcus wants for she knows of his secrets and she shares his pains. She may not approve of all of his ways, but he has always been the only true man in her life.


Marcus is ambitious and he desires for more. He is part of the illegal slave trade in the Town and Sophia is helping him achieve his goals with loyalty and trust. The only thing that comes between Marcus and his goals are the very people who vowed to protect the Town at all cost: the Town Guards, particularly Ralph Everard. But Marcus has a plan and Sophia is a willing participant.


Nicholas has always been curious of the mysterious woman behind one of most wanted chambers inside Rock'oles and he is not the only one who tried to get an invite and failed. The woman only allows entry to selected gentlemen, men who make his Town Guard brother, Ralph, raise a brow in suspicion. Recruiting Nicholas' skill on seduction and games, Ralph urges him to court an invite into the mysterious woman's chamber as they now believe that she is the key to solving the slavery case. And as if by some miracle—and after months of incessant visits outside her door—she welcomes him into her dark, quiet world. 

He has led himself to believe that he is there to spy on her, but the more he learns of her secrets, the more he discovers things that put his playful, tender and seductive reputation to its greatest test thus far.

Still set in the fictional place of the Town, this sixth book in the Everard Family series follows two people determined to protect those they value most. And in their quest to help those they love to escape failure, they find themselves a victim of their own plans and of the undeniable passion and love that will never ebb even after the certain tragedy of which they are heading to.

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