Chapter 8: First date

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    Seb won the race, Lewis in second and Kimi came in third. I watched them on the podium. I could tell Kimi was frustrated. Seb and Lewis celebrated and after the press was done with them I made my way over to the winners.

    “Congratulations Sebastian! Mr. Hamilton. You both raced brilliantly.” I beamed. Seb wrapped me up in a hug and tried to pour the remaining champagne in the bottle on me. I wriggled away.

    “Ms Felisa. Please call me Lewis. Won’t would come celebrate with me? Would you do me the honor of letting me take you out for dinner?” Lewis offered.

    “Of course. I would love nothing more.” I smiled. I knew Kimi was close enough to hear.

    “What if I want to take her to dinner?” the Finn interjected. Lewis was taken aback. Honestly we all stood there stunned from a moment.

    “Lewis asked first. I guess that’s not the only thing he has beat you in today.” I smiled wickedly. Kimi looked enraged, but there was nothing he could do or say. He turned a left, quickly disappearing into the crowd.

    “Wasn’t that a little harsh?” Seb whispered into my ear.

    “He gets what he deserves.” I said coldly.

    I slipped on a tight black dress and my highest heels for dinner with Lewis. He had made reservations at an expensive restaurant. I curled my hair carefully and completed my look with a pair of large diamond studs. I sent a picture of myself to Seb.

    ‘How do I look?’ I added onto the message.

    ‘Like you’re going to make Lewis get his hopes up about getting some tonight.’ Seb replied.

    ‘Who says he’s not? ;)’

    ‘First, ew. I did not need to know that. Second, you hardly know him. No offense but you shouldn’t be that easy.’

    ‘Rude. I’m just joking anyway. You know I’m not that type of girl. I’m just having fun. Nothing serious. I promise I won’t do anything stupid.’

    ‘You better not. Because I’ll know.’ Seb assured.

    I pushed my phone into my clutch and went down to the lobby to meet Lewis. When I stepped off the lift I could see him waiting. Dressed in a nice button up and dress slacks. He was gorgeous. I grinned and made my way over to him.

    “Lewis.” I greeted with a kiss on both cheeks.

    “You look beautiful as always.” he said examining me.

    “Well thank you. You look quite nice yourself, out of the racing suit and all.” I responded.

    He led me out to a sleek black sports car and opened the door for me. Such a gentleman. Kimi is never that thoughtful. The dinner was lovely. Lewis was a breath of fresh air compared to what I was used to. So sweet and charming. I couldn’t have imagined a better date.

    He was walking me back to my hotel room. Once we reached the door I turned to tell him goodnight. Before I could say anything he pulls me in close to him and presses his lips to mine. I felt no emotion, no spark. Sure it was a good kiss, but it wasn’t anything special. I pulled away.

    “Thank you Lewis, I had a great time.” I hinted that the date was now over.

    “Why does the good time have to end now?” He came at me to kiss me again. I placed my hands on his chest to keep him away.

    “I hardly know you Lewis. I’m not that kind of girl. Sorry.” I wished he would just leave. I am beginning to think this was a mistake.

    “C’mon. You can’t wear that sexy little outfit and not be planning on putting out.” His slide my hands off his chest and brought his body closer to mine.

    “Well I’m not.” I was getting aggravated.

    “Sweetheart.” he ran a hand through my hair and tried to go in for another kiss.

    “No! I said no!” I pushed him away. “Go back to your own room before I start screaming.”

    “Tease.” he spat and sulked back down the hall.

    I let out a sigh of relief that he had left me alone. If he had tried to use force there is no way I could have fought him off. I collected myself and dug my room key out of my purse. When I stepped into the room  I realized the light was on, but I didn’t remember leaving it on. I stepped into the bedroom to see Kimi sitting on my bed. All I wanted to do was go to bed, not deal with another angry man.

    “What are you doing here?” I groaned. I kicked off my heels and began to take my jewelry off.

    “I had to make sure you made it back safely from your date.” Kimi emphasized the word ‘date’.

    “Well, I did. So you can go now.” I said quite rudely.

    “Hmm, not yet. How did it go? Sounded like you were having a little trouble out there.” I knew Kimi was probably loving this. Knowing my date wasn’t absolutely perfect.

    “No, it was great. I had a great time. Yeah sure he wanted a little more out of the date than I did. But whatever he understood and now I’m going to bed.” I don’t understand why Kimi wont just leave. He doesn’t have any business here. How does he even keep getting the key to my rooms anyway?

    “Heidi?” He was calm and actually sounding reasonable for once.

    “Yes, Kimi.” I said softly, sitting down next to him.

    “Do you really like Lewis?” He asked.

    “Not like that.” I sighed.

    “Then why did you go on date?” Kimi asked, even though I know he knows the answer.

    “Because I knew you wouldn’t like it.” I felt childish saying it out loud.

    “Why Heidi?” I could tell he was sad.

    “You hurt me Kimi. Do you not understand that? That is all you have ever done to me. I can’t just keep waiting on you to realize what you’re doing and hoping that one day you will fall in love with me. I can’t take that.” I didn’t look at him because I knew tears were brimming in my eyes.

    “Heidi you must understand. I am iceman. This is how I am.” I ran my fingers over his tattoo.

    “You don’t have to shut everyone out. You don’t have to shut me out.” I looked into his icy blue eyes.

    “I tried to let you in, but I knew you would get too close. I have to keep my walls up.” He kept his eyes locked with mine.

    “Why? What is so bad about me being close?” I struggled to understand his logic.

    “I’m not ready Heidi.” he sighed “My ex-wife, I loved her. I loved her so much and she ripped my heart out and left me with ice in its place. And then I saw you that first night and you ran into me. You touched me and a felt a spark. I felt the ice melting. I looked at you, the most beautiful girl. The most beautiful girl who holds such hurt behind her eyes. I know if I let myself I would fall in love with you, and I just can’t.”

    “Why can’t you? I want to try and have something special with you. And you’re saying you feel the same thing for me. I just don’t understand. Why can’t you?” I was overwhelmed with what he was telling me.

    “Because I can’t be hurt like that again. I promised I wouldn’t let myself go through that ever again.” Kimi couldn’t look me in the eyes.

    “Please Kimi. I never thought I could ever find love. And I know you’re the only man I will ever love. Please, I promise I would never do that to you. If you took me I would never leave you.” I promised.

    “I can’t” he whispered and left the room. Once again I had been left cold, alone and heartbroken by the iceman.

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