Chapter 17: I hate tabloids

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    After lunch Mark had to leave and I went back to tending to my grandfather. The next day they released my grandfather from the hospital and I was able to take care of him at home. He is in good spirits and already trying to get me to let him start working. Which I am adamantly refusing to let him do. The man hasn’t taken a break in forty years. He needs one, for his health. I was preparing his lunch in the kitchen when Julia flew in.

    “You’re with Mr. Webber now?” she got straight to the point.

    “Uh.. Yes. How did you find out?” I asked taken aback. I hadn’t told anyone except for my grandfather. Who was displeased that I was with an Infinity driver, but proud that I was with a good man. She thrust a tabloid at me.

    I frowned. I hated these things. Why can’t people worry about their own lives and not butt into other peoples. On the cover was a picture of Mark kissing my cheek at the hospital. My first thought went to Kimi. What would he think? Has he seen it… I’m sure if he had seen it I would have heard. I sighed threw the tabloid in the trash  and carried my grandfathers food to his room. Once I had situated him with the food I sat in one of the chairs to answer a text I had received from Seb.

    ‘How could you do that to Kimi? You knew this would hurt him.’ I knew what he was talking about, but I played dumb.

    ‘What do you mean? I haven’t done anything to him.’

    ‘Dating Mark. You really moved on that fast? You could have at least hidden it.’

    ‘Look. I was hardly with Kimi. And Mark came to see me, I wasn’t expecting it and I certainly wasn’t expecting paparazzi to snap photos of us.’

    ‘Yeah well Kimi has taken a nose dive. He wont stop drinking and he hasn’t come to any of the practice runs.’ my heart sank. I didn’t want to hurt him, but was it my business to make my life choices with him in mind? Surely not.

    ‘Seb, please this is hard on me too.’

    ‘Whatever.’ I knew he was mad at me.

    “What is troubling you?” My grandfather startled me out of my thoughts.

    “Oh nothing grandfather. Just drama.” I shrugged.

    “Come here child.” I motioned for me to come sit on the bed. I did as he wished and sat down facing him. He took my hand.

    “Tell me what is wrong.” I looked deep into my eyes.

    “Well you know Kimi and I broke up. I couldn’t be with him. No matter how happy he made me he also constantly infuriated me! I couldn’t take it. So I had to tell him we couldn’t be together. And he kept trying to tell me it could work, but I insisted that it couldn’t and then you know while you were in the hospital Mark came to see me and he was so sweet and asked me if I would be his girlfriend and I just… I think he is a lot better for me. And then the tabloids printed a picture of Mark and I together at the hospital and apparently Kimi saw it and has gone mad. He wont attend the practices and he is drinking nonstop.” I was almost in tears by this point.

    “It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself you don’t like the boy.” my grandfather said.

    “No I don’t like him. He is pig headed and a so cold. He is an utter tyrant and Mark is so stable.” I tried to convince him to see my side.

    “So you would choose stability over love?” He asked.

    “No. Who said I loved Kimi?” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

    “Darling, I can see it. When you talk about him. When I watched the races on TV and would see you together. The way you looked at him and he looked at you. You are meant to be together, you can’t fight it.” grandfather urged.

    “I’m sorry grandfather. The only way Kimi has ever looked at me is with disdain. He thinks I’m a child.” I shook my head.

    “He loves you and you’re in denial about your feelings for him.” Grandfather smiled knowingly.

    “How do you know all this?” I still didn’t believe him. Kim and I could never work. I would like nothing more than to never have to deal with that man again.

    “Because it is the same way I was with your grandmother and she was the same way with me.” I could tell he was reminiscing.

    “But you and grandmother loved each other.” I argued.

    “As do you and Kimi.” he chuckled.

    “You two never acted like that. You were nothing but loving to her and she was the perfect wife to you.” I shook my head remembering how perfect they were together. She did nothing but support and serve him and he doted on her constantly. 

    “But you will.” He smiled.

    After the talk with my grandfather I was confused and frustrated. I went to take a shower and went I got out one of the maids was in my room waiting.

    “The Ferrari team principal is in sitting room. He wished to speak with you.” She announced, curtsied and then left.

    I quickly got dressed in a simple pink dress then applied my make-up. I rushed down the stairs and made my way to the sitting room in the front of the house. Stefano stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. He did not seem to be happy.

    “Stefano.” I greeted him.

    “Ms. Felisa.” He stood sternly.

    “What is wrong? What are you here for?” I asked.

    “I am here about you and your relationship with Mr. Raikkonen.” He said.

    “We don’t have a relationship.” I stated.

    “You have upset him.” Stefano said.

    “Well poor Kimi.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “He is a grown man. Tell him to get over it.”

    “He has refused to race.” Stefano dropped a bomb. I never expected Kimi to do that.

    “Why?” I asked.

    “He has been hurt over your relationship with Mr. Webber.” Stefano explained.

    “And what am I to do?” I was angry. Kimi needed to stop being so childish.

    “That is up to you Heidi, I don’t know what will fix this. You have to get him to race again though.” Stefano said and with that he turned to leave.

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