Chapter 51: News Travels Fast

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    Kimi and I walked into the reception was decorated elaborately. There were flowers everywhere. The hotel ballroom as luxurious and extravagant, large enough to hold all of our guest. The floors were marble and there were large collumns in the room. We navigated through the room to the head table. Where the Sebastian and Hanna sat. Rami had a seat there as well, but he must have been off chasing the boys. We took our seats inbetween the couple. Hanna on my side and Sebastian on Kimi’s.

    “What took you so long?” Hannah hissed in my ear.

    “I told Kimi.” I whispered back.

    “And…” she waited for me to tell her his reaction.

    “He is thrilled.” I smiled, she had been right.

    “Told you.” she said proudly and stuck her tongue out at me.

    “Told you what?” Sebastian asked.

    “That Kimi would be happy that Heidi is pregnant.” Hanna blurted out excited, but quickly covered her mouth once she realized what she had done.

    “Hanna!” I scolded her.

    “Woah!” Sebastian exclaimed “Again?”

    “Yes.” I muttered giving Hanna sideways glances.

    “Well you need to slow down Kimi. What do you do? Just look at women and they get pregnant? You must be the most fertile man on earth.” Sebastin slapped Kimi on the back. I gave Sebastian and mortified look. I did not appreaciate his jokes. However, he was right considering Kimi and I have only had sex twice and he got me pregnant both times.

    “Look, keep it quiet Seb. We aren’t telling anyone just yet.” I stared him down.

    “I’ve got it. Secrets safe with me.” the German winked.


    “And now, for the first dance.” The DJ announced. “Come on down Mr. And Mrs. Kimi Raikkonen.”

    Kimi and I made our way to the grand dance floor. The spotlight was on us, but I wasn’t nervous. I only saw Kimi. A slow song began to play and Kimi wrapped took one of my hands and wrapped the other around my waist while I placed my free hand on his shoulder and we began to dance to the music. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and then I laid my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer.

    “Can I tell my mother?” he asked. I thought for a few seconds.

    “Yes, you can tell your mother.” I whispered.

    “Thank you.” he kissed my forehead “You don’t know how happy I am.”

    The song ended and everyone clapped and cheered. Kimi and I went back to the table and dinner was served. Periodically guest would come over and congratulate us. I scrunched my face up in disgust as I saw Dasha waltzing over, haning off of Fernando’s arm. She wore a sheer pink dress with a plunging neckline.

    “Be nice.” Kimi whispered into my ear as they walked up to us.

    “Congratulations!” Fernando kissed me on both cheeks.

    “Thank you Nando.” I grinned, he went on to shake hands with Kimi and congratulate him. Then they decided to go get a drink and celebrate. Leaving Dasha standing in front of me.

    “A toast to the happy couple?” she handed me a glass of champagne and held up her own.

    “Thanks Dasha, but I’m not drinking tonight.” I smiled politely and set the glass down on the table. I shouldn’t drink now that I know I’m pregnant.

    “Come on, indulge me Heidi. I just want to celebrate with you. Lets put the past behind us, we can be friends.” she smiled disingenuously.

    “Really Dash, I can’t drink tonight.” I gritted my teeth. I was not going to let this Russian witch ruin my day.

    “Why not? You’re not knocked up again are you?” she looked at me awaiting my excuse. I paused for a second too long formulate my response and she knew the real answer. “You are!” her eyes went wide.

    “Dasha, please be a decent human being for once in your life. You can’t tell anyone!” I insisted.

    “Oh, why not?” she cooed, she had me right where she wanted me. At her mercy.

    “I’m not ready for this to be out yet.” I told her.

    “Because you’ll look like the whore you are?” She twirled her hair around her long spindly finger.

    “He is my husband. I won’t look like anything. Its just my personal business and I don’t want to spread to the world just yet.” I hissed.

    “Oh, Heidi. You’re so foolish. You are doing this whole formula one thing wrong. The reason to be with a driver is the prestige, the fame, the notoriety it brings. I’m helping you out. You have to give the people what they want. They want to know about your life Heidi, this is big news.” she thinks she is doing me a favor? She is seriously delusional.

    “I’m not like you Dasha. I don’t care about being famous.” I folded my arms. “Please Dasha, I’m begging you. Don‘t tell anyone.” 

    “I just can’t do that Heidi.” she said smuggly.

    “You’re terrible Dasha.” I said hurt. I couldn’t believe I am a grown woman, 23 years old with a child and I am being bullied.

    “I’ve been called worse.” she said and traipsed off.

    Within the hour everyone at the reception new about my pregnancy as well as im sure every media outlet known to man. Kimi sat beside me consoling me. How could one tiny woman be full of so much wickedness?

    “Its alright Heidi. They would have found out eventually anyway.” Hanna tried to make me feel better. However it didn’t.

    “I can’t even announce the news about my own baby! Why was she even here?” I seethed.

    “Because we had to invite Fernando. We have to be bigger than her. Don’t let her get under your skin.” Kimi rubbed my back.

    “I don’t see why he can’t see that she is pure evil!” I muttered.

    “I know.” Kimi kissed my cheek. I knew he was trying to distract me.

    “Besides we have a beautiful honeymoon to look forward. A whole week far away from Dasha, the media and everyone. Just you and I.” Kimi kissed my lips.

    “You still haven’t told me where we are going.” I wrinkled my nose, momentarily forgetting about Dasha. Kimi had told me when I was planning the wedding that he would take care of the honeymoon. Since then no matter how much I have tried to get it out of him, he won’t tell me anything. He wants to surprize me. It has driven me mad not knowing. I have a hard time not being in control and Kimi knows that, I think that’s why he is keeping it from me.

    “You will find out soon enough.” he winked. I crossed my arms and huffed in frustration.
















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