Chapter 27: Give it a chance

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    I stood in the shower letting the hot water soak into my tired muscles. The head released some of the Kimi induced tension. What is going on with him? What is going on with me? I just don’t know what to do. I have been hurt so many times before. I can’t trust Kimi. I want to so badly though. I pondered the feelings that I had while kissing him. I felt so madly in love, such passion that I have never felt with anyone else. Sure, other men have made me feel nice, but something about Kimi’s touch drives me wild. I know the thought of being with Kimi scares me because I know I wont be able to take it slow. If I chose to date him then it is all or nothing. I frowned rubbing the make-up off my face before cutting the water off. I stepped out of the steamy shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I went and put my pajamas on because I knew I wasn’t going down to dinner. I don’t know how this Kimi thing is supposed to work. I laid down in my bed and tried to relax. I pulled out my phone to text Sebastian.

    ‘Why did you tell Kimi I didn’t remember the kiss?!!?!?’ I texted Seb angrily.

    ‘Sorry.  How did you know I told him???’ I got a quick reply

    ‘Because my matchmaking grandfather has invited him to come stay.’

    ‘Kimi is at your house?’ I could picture Seb’s cheeky grin.

    ‘Yes.’ I scowled. ‘you’re loving this aren’t you?’

    ‘I just think it will be good for you two to spend time with each other.’

    ‘Well you’re an idiot.’ I replied to him before putting my phone down. I ignored the device when I vibrated. I was so done. I  rolled over and drifted asleep.

    I woke up to the crack of thunder. I jumped causing me to fall off the edge of the bed, landing with a thud. I laid there stupidly for a moment before getting up and looking at a clock. 11pm it flashed in red numbers. I groaned. I hate, hate, hate thunderstorms. I sat back down on my bed. I did not want to be alone, but it was too late to go and wake my grandfather up and I was too proud to go to Kimi. Thunder cracked again making me jump. The thunder was immediately followed by a knock on the door. I tried to wipe the tears out of my eyes as I got up to answer it. I opened to door to reveal Kimi on the other side. He stood there for a moment and we just stared at each other.

    “Are you okay?” he finally asked.

    “I’m fine. Why are you here?” I asked coldly, hoping my face didn’t give away the fact that I was in tears moments ago.

    “Because you’re scared of thunderstorms.” he reminded me. Should I swallow my pride or not. Lighting flashed again and the power flickered.

    “Come in.” I said defeated. He followed me into the room and I sat down on the edge of my bed. He sat down beside me. There was another few moments of silence.

    “I’m sorry I came onto you earlier. It was wrong to push you like that.” I was shocked by what the Finn was saying. He was apologizing? He was changing.

    “Thank you, for apologizing.” I managed. “It scares me.”

    “What scares you?” his clear blue eyes stared into mine.

    “The thought that I want to be with you again. The fact that I don’t think I can resist you.” I frowned. I couldn’t believe what I was saying, but it was true. My head kept telling me not to fall for it, that he will break your heart. That we don’t go together, our personalities clash too much. However, my heart told me that we were meant to be together and that I should just quit fighting it.

    “Heidi,” he sighed “Please. I know I am not perfect. I know we have had our struggles and our fights. And we will probably still have fights, but I realize every time you are away. That I can’t stand to be without you. Heidi please. Just consider trying it again with me.”

    “I want to. So badly.” I still had reservations though. The inner war between my heart and head raged on.

    “At least say you’ll think about it.” the iceman said.

    “I will.” I nodded. I just need more time, but I don’t know how much time that will be. I can’t keep him waiting forever.

    It had been a while since it last thundered and the rain appeared to have stopped. I laid my head over on Kimi’s shoulder. Took hold of my left hand, lacing our fingers together. Maybe I could make it work with Kimi. Maybe my grandfather was right. We just sat there in each others presence and it was nice. Kimi didn’t leave until after midnight. We never really said anything, but it was probably one of the most enjoyable times I’ve ever had with him. With the storm gone I was able to go back to sleep.

    I sat on the kitchen counter sipping my second cup of coffee. It was almost 10am and I was still desperately trying to wake up so that I could head into the office. I was still wearing a pair of pink seersucker pajama shorts and a tank top. My hair was in a messy pony tail and I hadn’t bothered with make-up. Kimi entered the kitchen looking almost as sleep as I did. However, he was fully dressed. I noticed that he was wearing the watch I had given him.

    “Where have you been?” I had sent one of the maids to bring him coffee earlier and she had said he wasn’t there.

    “I had some things to take care of.” he grumbled pouring coffee into a mug. His hair was still ruffled, at least he was courteous enough to not wear his cap indoors.

    “Things? Hmm, very secretive Mr. Raikkonen.” I brought the mug to my lips again. The coffee had at least given me enough energy for witty banter. I was usually at my sharpest right after my morning coffee.

    “Yes, things. I don’t have to tell you everywhere I go. Do I?” I kenw he was hiding something from me. What was he up to?

    “Well, technically I’m your boss. So I think I could make you tell me.” I replied smartly.   

    “You’re not my boss. You’re my bosses granddaughter.” he huffed.

    “Who inherits the company hun? So technically it is mine.” I let out an evil laugh.

    “You are so weird.” he shook his head.

    “Well this is what you’re signing up for. If you can’t take it, then run now.” I was only half joking. If he couldn’t take the rare silly side I had then he wouldn’t be happy. Besides he could use a little joy in his life. So could I. I hadn’t joked around like this in what seems like forever. I just wanted someone who I could be me around.

    “Hmm. That’s funny.” He smirked.

    “What’s that?” I frowned.

    “I’ve never wanted to sleep my boss before.” I almost spit out the coffee that was in my mouth.

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