Chapter 50: Wearing White

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  A/N: This is a big chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment.

  I sat on a stool while a woman curled my long blonde hair and another woman was working on my make-up. My wedding day is finally here and I cannot believe it. Hanna and I are in the bridal sweet getting ready, its only a few more hours until I become Mrs. Raikkonen. Hanna gives my hand a squeeze.

    “Are you nervous?” She askes. Hanna has become my best female friend. I don’t know what I would do without her. When she is not traveling with Sebastian she spends time helping me with Luukas.

    “Terribly.” I said, my hands were shaking, I felt clammy and sick to my stomach. “I feel aweful as well, like I’m going to throw up.”

    “You’ll be fine. All girls feel like that on their big day.” the woman curling my hair assured me.

    “I don’t know. I mean I’m nervous, but I feel genuinely sick as well.” I frowned. “The last time I felt like this was when I was pregnant with Luukas.”

    “You’re not pregnant are you?” Hanna crouched down in front of me so that she could look me in the eyes.

    “No!” I said, the idea was absurd. I shook my head “There is no way.”

    “Well have you slept with him?” she asked not moving, she now had a grip on both of my hands.

    “No…” I said but then remembered our trip to the Seychelles and the night he proposed. “Well, once.” I said my cheeks flushed red and my face burned hot.

    “But you used protection right?” she said, but it still a question.

    “Well, um… it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. I really didn’t intend for it to happen. It just kind of… did.” I looked down.

    “How long ago was it?” She asked, still perched on the balls of her feet.

    “Um.” I counted it up in my head “About three months ago.” I finally decided.

    “Most women find out their pregnant at 12 weeks.” I reminded me.

    “What if I am pregnant then?” I stuck one of my freshly manicured nails into me mouth. Hanna pulled it out before I could start biting.

    “You have to take a test then.” Hanna said. Before I knew it she had run to the market down the street to get a home pregnancy test. I sat anxiously waiting for her to arrive. The hair lady and make-up lady had left when Hanna arrived, out of breath and clutching a brown paper bag. I took it from her and walked into the bathroom and Hanna followed me.

    “You can’t come in here with me.” I crossed my arms.

    “I won’t look. Come on, I want to be there for you.” she said.

    “It takes several minutes to process. Trust me you will be there when I find out. However, peeing is something I have tot do alone.” I said. She pouted but went back into the room to sit on the bed impatiently. After I finished I set the test on tank of the toilet and went back into the room to wait with her.

    “What do you want to have? A girl or another boy?” she asked bouncing on the bed.

    “I don’t know if I’m pregnant or not.” I said sitting down next to her on the bed. I smoothed the silk robe I was wearing.

    “Come on Heidi. You know you have to be.” she looked me dead in the eye, and she was right. I was never sick, I never felt this way. The only time I ever have was when I was pregnant.

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