Chapter 24: Late

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     I turned and ran away as quickly as possible. Nico had lied to me, and he had cheated on me. Sister my foot! He probably doesn’t even have a sister. How had I been so stupid? How he would go on binges where he wouldn’t look away from his phone. He must have been talking to her the whole time. Our whole relationship was a lie, he never loved me. I ran to my hotel room trying to avoid people. I didn’t want anyone to see me crying. I was falling apart. Kimi was right. I jumped into this relationship too quickly and I didn’t pay attention to all the signs. I was too busy trying to convince myself I was happy that I couldn’t even see that Nico was cheating on me.

    I passed Kimi’s hotel room on the way to mine. I was certainly not in the state of mind to make good decisions. Which is probably why I went and knocked on his door. I had been ugly crying and I felt so broken. Kimi opened the door, he looked confused to see me standing there crying. I had to let him know he got just what he wanted.

    “Are you happy? You were right. You got just what you wanted?” I was so upset.

    “What are you talking about Heidi?” he pulled me into the room and shut the door, hiding us away from the public eye.

    “Nico cheated on me. He had been cheating all along. I was so stupid and you were right. How do you like that?” I was so bitter.

    “Heidi.” He said softly. “I didn’t want Nico to cheat on you.”

    “Sure you did!” I accused “All you wanted was to see me fail and here. I failed again. I sure am a right idiot.”

    “Don’t beat yourself up, Nico is the idiot.” Kimi shook his head.

    “I need to go.” I frowned and Kimi let me. He didn’t say anything else to me as I turned and left and ran back to my room. Where I proceeded to lay in my bed and cry for the rest of the night.

    When I woke up I realized I had missed my flight as well as many calls from my friends. The team was expecting me to be on my way to Hungary. I didn’t want to move though, or face anyone. Especially Nico. I remembered going to Kimi’s room last night and I felt foolish. It is like I try to embarrass myself. I slowly got up and began to pack my things. I called the pilot for our private jet and apologized for keeping him waiting, then assured him that I was on my way.

    I walked into our team meeting late. I hung my head down hoping to avoid everyone’s stares. I sat down in an empty seat next to Fernando and across from Kimi.

    “Nice of you to join us miss Felisa.” Stefano looked at me with disapproval.

    ‘Sorry.’ I mouthed.

    Kimi looked me with concern and Fernando just seemed relieved. Nando rubbed my arm comfortingly. I knew that he probably already knew about Nico. Even though I had only told Kimi, I am sure the entire world knew what I fool I was. The stares I was receiving from the team said so.

    “Are you okay?” Fernando whispered. I simply nodded. I wanted to avoid getting into any more trouble if possible. I know Stefano already saw me as a liability.

    As soon as the meeting was over I bolted out of the room. I didn’t want to talk to anyone or give any explanations. I knew I would have to eventually, but not now. I wasn’t ready. I found a small café and sat down to have lunch. To my dismay I saw Kimi walk through the front door. He took off his sunglasses as he entered the room and began to look for a place to sit. The place was nearly empty so there were plenty available. However, he spotted me and came straight to my table and sat down.

    “I’m not in the mood Iceman.” He stayed in his seat and proceeded to pick up a menu. I groaned and went back to looking through my menu.

    “You didn’t deserve what Nico did to you.” Kimi said after a while.

    “I told you. I’m not in the mood. I don’t want to talk about it.” I was agitated.

    “I hate him for it.” Kimi growled.

    “Drop it Kimi.” I said sharply.

    “Why are you still wearing that ring?” Kimi wasn’t happy.

    I didn’t have a response. I knew I should have thrown it out. I should have thrown it AT Nico and that slut and told him to ‘have a nice life’, but something kept me from doing it. Probably the same thing that made me keep the watch I was going to give to Nico in my purse. They were symbols of love… of what could have been. But they weren’t and they never would be. Kimi suddenly stood up. I looked at him confused.

    “Come with me.” he said quickly, and for some reason I listened to him. I got into the low slung Ferrari and sat there in silence while he drove. It was a long time before he finally came to a stop but when he did I saw we were at a large body of water. ‘Lake Balaton’ a sign said. Kimi got out of the car and walked over to a pier and proceeded to walk down it. I hurriedly got out of the car grabbed my handbag and followed him.  He stood at the end of the pier with his hands in his pockets when I finally reached him.

    “This is a good place to think isn’t it.” he looked out over the water.

    It was peaceful, quiet and beautiful. I looked around, we were alone. It was a Monday and most people must be at work. I thought about what Nico was doing right now. I didn’t want to though. I didn’t want to think about any of it. It hurt too much. I wanted to forget about everything that has happened to me this season. I knew I couldn’t though. I had to move on, no matter how much it hurt. I slid the ring off my finger and examined it. I looked out over the water and the threw the ring as far as I could. It sunk straight into the water about six meters away. I looked over at Kimi who for one of the first times I have ever seen him was smiling. I decided to do something else bold. I pulled the box with the beautiful 4000 euro watch. I couldn’t we it going to waste.

    “Here Kimi, I want you to have this.” I handed the box to him. He looked confused, but pulled the red ribbon off and opened the box. He stared in amazement at the stunning watch.

    “This is amazing Heidi. Its too expensive, I can’t accept it.” He held the box back out to me. I crossed my arms, there was no way I was taking it back.

    “No. I have plenty of money.” I quoted what he told me when I wanted to pay him back for bailing me out of jail. I knew he understood what I was getting at. He retracted his hand and pulled the watch out of the box examining it carefully. I could tell he liked it by the way he looked at it. Finally he put it on his wrist. I looked back out over the water so that were did not catch me staring at him.

    “Thank your Heidi.” he said sincerely.

    “Anytime Iceman.” I continued to look out over the water.

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