Chapter 30: Huracan

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    Why am I sitting here feeling sorry for myself? It is Kimi who has the issue. I can admit, most of the time it has been me that was not ready. And now that I am ready I have realized Kimi never wanted a serious relationship anyway. He is still not over his wife. There is nothing I can do about that. Anger welled up inside of my. He has led me on, toyed with my emotions and then left me here sitting on the floor crying like a little girl. He always did say I was just a  little girl. I was proving him right. I quickly rose and stormed out of the kitchen. I wasn’t going to sit there and wallow. I headed out to the garage and jumped into my white Ferrari 599. I quickly backed it out of the garage and sped down the long road from our house to the main road. I pulled out my phone, I was about to go back to a bad habit.

    “Marco.” I cooed.

    “Heidi.” my old friend greeted. “What can I do for you?”

    “Would you like to meet me at Stelvio pass? And anyone else who is up for it is welcome.” I grinned wickedly.

    “Yeah! What are you in?” he asked.

    “You’ll see when you get there.” I said cheekily.

    “Not fair Heidi, not far.” he chuckled.

    “See you there Marco.” I said and hung up the phone. It didn’t take me long to get to the pass the way I drove. When I got to the beginning of the winding roads of the Stelvio pass I saw several luxury sports cars waiting on the side of the road. Marco’s Huayra was accompanied by Porsche 911 and a Lamborghini Huracán. I pulled over in behind them and got out of the car. The men got out when I did and we gathered by my car.

    “This is Fabien and Guillermo.” Marco pointed to the other two men. Guillermo was stocky and had a goatee. Fabien was tall, dark and handsome and he drove to Lamborghini. In my mind he was the target. My rival.

    “How did you get the Huracán?” I questioned.

    “If you know the right people and have enough money, you can get whatever you want.” he smirked. I resisted the urge to gag.

    “Well if you have so much money are you ready to lay some down on a race?” I challenged.

    “Taking money from a girl wouldn’t be right.” He chuckled. Most men didn’t see me as competition, until they saw me race.

    “Don’t worry. I’ll still sleep just fine.” I quipped back.

    “Is ten-thousand alright?” he raised an eyebrow.

    “Make it fifty big boy.” I could tell he was shocked but he agreed to it and got into his car. I was going to prove who had the better car and who was the better driver. I knew his Lambo had more horsepower, but I knew I had more skill.

    I pulled along side him and revved the engine. He looked over at me and the same. He smiled cockily. How cute, he thinks he is going to win. Marco stepped out onto the yellow line in-between the cars. He checked that were bother ready, then his arms went up. When he dropped them we took off.  I slammed on the gas, I was switching gears as fast as I could I my speed quickly rose. I began to pull away and I saw Fabien’s car jerk as he missed a gear. It gave me even more of a lead. I flew around the tight curves of the road that wound up into the Alps. He began to close in on my but it was too late. I crossed the end point. We both brought the cars back Marco and Guillermo. I stepped out of the car. Marco clapped. Fabien stepped out of the car. I could tell he wasn’t happy.

    “I want a redo. I missed a gear, that isn’t fair.” He growled.

    “Life’s not fair honey. Its not my fault you suck at driving.” I shrugged. Fabien lunged towards me but Marco stepped in-between us.

    “Chill out man.” Marco pushed Fabien back.

    “Look I’m gonna bounce. Let this be a freebie, but if you ever want to race again. You know where to find me.” I winked and got back into my car. I made my way back to Maranello, taking my time on the way home. When I pulled into the garage it was dark. I walked into the house and up to my room. When I passed Kimi’s room stopped and put my ear to the door but I didn’t hear anything. I quietly opened the door, it was dark inside. Kimi was nowhere to be found.

    “Where have to been?” Kimi growled making my jump. I wasn’t expecting anyone.

    “I don’t have to explain myself to you.” I spat back, quoting what he had told me earlier. He narrowed his eyes.

    “You’re being irresponsible Heidi.” he took a step towards me.

    “Why does it matter?” I put my hands on my hips.

    “Because I care.” He saw in my face now, I could see his nostrils flair.

    “You‘ve got a funny way of showing it.” I spat back.

    “I don’t want Jenni back.” He was raising his voice in anger.

    “Could have fooled me.” I roll my eyes.

    “You’re infuriating, you know that? I try and show that I care! I’ve been pacing all day worried out of my mind about where you are. And you just want to fight with me one it.” He flung his hands in the air.

    “Then why do you keep trying?” I yell.

    “Because you didn’t give up on me! You wanted to help me, to fix me. And now that you’ve helped me, I am willing to wait for you to be ready.” He had fire in his eyes. I knew he meant it, he wouldn’t give up. And that was what I needed. Finally someone in my life that wouldn’t give up on me.

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