Chapter 15: News

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    I had gotten aquatinted with several of the other nurses. They were more on my side about Kimi. Somehow it made me feel better to have people agree with me about how awful he is. Two of the younger nurses, Emma and Paula, I have really enjoyed gossiping with. It was sad but this was the closest thing to friends I have ever had.

    “You poor dear, is he always like that?” Emma placed a hand on her cheek.

    “Unfortunately.” I sighed.

    “Yes, poor thing! He came in here like a raging boar, barking orders right and left.” Paula waved her arms dramatically. “I don’t see how you do it. I would leave the fellow if I were in your position, no matter how good looking he is!”

    I simply shrugged in response. He was good looking. I remembered the picture I had deleted from my phone. We made quite a smart pair. I frowned and brushed the idea out of my mind. No amount of happiness is worth all the unhappiness and bickering that we had. He was stubborn, but so was I. Two people like us could never last together.

    “Yes, if I were married to him I would need to drink too.” Emma chimed in.

    I heard a familiar grunt. Kimi was standing at the door and he must have heard what Emma said. Emma’s went wide and her face flushed. Paula ushered her out of the room. I felt embarrassed too. Kimi was not the reason I had drank myself silly. It was the fact that I couldn’t stand myself. I felt bad for him. That he had to hear that, especially since it wasn’t even true. I regretted talking about him to those girls, it was so childish.

    “Are you ready?” He asked gruffly.

    “Kimi. Those girls are stupid. That isn’t why I drank so much.” I got out of the bed. Even standing I was still a great deal shorter than him, I felt incredibly small.

    “I don’t care.” he crossed his arms. “Lets go.”

    I followed him in silence. I felt horrible. I kept my eyes on the floor and I could stop wringing my hands together. We got into the lift together to go to the parking garage. Kimi was stoic, I couldn’t read him for anything. I knew he had to be mad though.

    “Kimi,” I started

    “I don’t want to talk to you.” He cut me off.

    “Just, at least let me apologize. I owe you an apology.” I pleaded.

    “No. You’re stupid and immature. I don’t need anything from you. I’m only doing my duty by getting you back to the hotel safely. Then you can do whatever you want. Do something else stupid for all I care. Go sleep with Mark, or maybe Sebastian? Yeah, that sounds about like you. Go bang my best friend.”

    “I’m not like that! I’m not a slut” I screamed. I was now crying even though I didn’t want to. Kimi’s words hurt so bad.

    “Could have fooled me! Sneaking off with Mark and other drivers.” He scoffed.

    “I didn’t do anything with them! Why can’t you believe me?” I cried.

    “Because you’re just like her.” he shook his head.

    “Who?” I asked genuinely confused.

    “Jenni.” He mumbled.

    “Your wife? Kimi I would never cheat on you. Never in a million years. Just because your wife was a whore doesn’t mean every other woman is. I would never have done anything like that to you… I promise.” I looked him in the eye.

    “So where do we go from here?” Kimi looked at me.

    “Nowhere. We’re not together.” I frowned.

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