Chapter 12: The Test

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    I was sitting in my hotel room waiting on Kimi. Which is how I have spent quite a lot of time lately. I have been trying my best not to spend too much time with the other drivers as not to upset Kimi. Things have been a little tense and despite the fact that I believe I should be able to hang out with my friends too, at least while things are so strained I want to make sure not to piss Kimi off. I heard the door swing open and I looked up to see Kimi. He looked tired and a little worried. He clutched a manila envelope in his hand.

    “I received the test results.” he said, I could tell he was upset. So I already knew what the results had to be. Of course I asked him anyway.

    “And what do they say?” I got up from the bed to hold his hand.

    “I am definitely the father.” Kimi couldn’t look me in the eye.

    It hurt so bad to know he was the father of someone else’s child. Of course I knew he was married before and has slept with other women, but somehow this hurt more. Maybe because there would always be that reminder, a child as product of his infidelity. I wasn’t going to let Kimi know that though. I put on a brave, happy face. I turned his face to look at me, so he could see that I was smiling.

    “You’re going to be a dad. How exciting is this?” I put on the biggest grin that I could manage.

    “You’re not angry?” He looked confused.

    “What’s done is done Kimi. We can’t change it. Besides this should be an exciting time in your life. Being a parent is so special!” I rubbed his arm.

    “It is a little exciting.” he started to grin.

    “And what a proud father you’ll be? Oh my goodness! If it’s a boy? He can carry on the legacy. You can teach him to race.” I said excitedly. I could see Kimi thinking this idea over and becoming more excited. A grin stretched across his face. Then it quickly faded.

    “Do you think I will be a good dad?” He asked seriously.

    “I think you’ll make an excellent father.” I turned my face to keep him from seeing a tear roll down my cheek. I could tell this answer pleased him because he was smiling like mad. I quickly brushed the tear away and put a smile back on.

    “Thank you Heidi.” He smiled at me.

    “For what?” I asked.

    “For being supportive of me, in everything.” his face was not serious. He is the iceman after all, I guess this had been too much emotion for him. For one day at least.

    “Of course.” I smiled, he kissed me on the cheek.

    “I’ve got to go down for practice now.” He turned and left.

     As hard as this is. I’m his girlfriend now. That means I can be supportive of him in the good… and the bad. I sat back down on the bed looking over the papers Kimi had left in here. He was going to be a father. To another woman’s baby. I let the tears flow freely now that he was gone. I was determined not to upset him by letting him know how much this was hurting me.

    I pulled out my phone and was looking through the tabloids. Which is a bad habit of mine since the news about the baby broke through them. Julia had done a very good job of making sure no one else ran the story so that it would be forgotten. The first one a saw had a picture of Mark Webber on it, the headline said he had broken up with his longtime girlfriend and manager. I frowned and pulled up a message to text him.

    ‘Mark, are you alright? I just saw some horrible news in the tabloids. Is it true?’

    ‘Unfortunately. The media found out straight away. I just finished my practices runs and I’m going back to my hotel to hide from the media. What are you doing?’ he replied.

    ‘Heading over there to cheer you up! What room are you in?’

    He told me the room and I quickly went to a shop down the street to buy comfort food and rent a film. He was my friend and I wanted to help him feel better. Plus, I wasn’t doing so hot myself and would love nothing more than to watch a movie and eat a tub of ice cream, and I certainly didn’t want to do it by myself. I knew Kimi would be mad if he found out, but I needed this. Besides he would be practicing and working on the car for the rest of the day and probably go out drinking afterwards.

    I knocked on the door to Mark’s room. He opened it and managed a half smile when he saw me. He wore a pair of jeans and a navy tee-shirt. He looked as if he may have been crying at some point today. It broke my heart to see him not doing well.

    “I brought snacks and a movie!” I held up the bags.

    “You’re such a good friend Heidi.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin.

    “I know, I know. What would you do without me?” I joked and stepped into the room.

    We scattered the assortment of junk food across the coffee table and then both sat down on the couch in front of the large screen TV. I had popped the movie in. It was some romantic comedy that everyone had been raving about.

    “Do you want to talk about it Mark?” I asked.

    “Not really. It so hard when you’re with someone for so long and then all of the sudden you’re not.” He shrugged.

    “That’s terrible. She’s missing out. You’re such a great guy Mark.”  patted his shoulder then continued to shovel icecream into my mouth.

    “So how are you?” he asked. I weighed in my head whether I should tell him about the trouble I was having. He was a close friend after all.

    “Not a lot…” I sighed. “Kimi has another girl pregnant.”

    “I had heard that. Didn’t know if it was true.” He said softly “How are you holding up?”

    “I’m alright… I just. Its hard you know? Some other women is having his baby. Not me.” I frowned.

    “Don’t worry. You’ll have your time. Clearly Kimi cares about you and not her. That is why he is with you.” Mark comforted me.

    “I suppose your right.” I laid my head on Mark’s shoulder.

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