Chapter 1: Road Trip

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"Welcome to Ohio Baby!" Reba yelled, one hand on the wheel, the other thrust out the window as her red hair swirled around her face in the warm late-May breeze.

Nessa laughed as she did her best to corral her own dark locks into a knot atop her head. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this!"

Reba looked over at her friend with a grin, pushing impatiently at the hair in her eyes. "Believe it or not, it's happening and we deserve it!"

Nessa cocked a disagreeing eyebrow and returned her attention to the GPS perched on her lap. After four years of studying and exams and learning to appreciate the benefits of coffee, she couldn't deny that her brain needed the vacation.

But did she deserve it?

Nessa wasn't convinced she truly deserved anything good that came her way, not after some of the bad decisions she'd made during her college career. In fact, she wouldn't begrudge anyone, including God himself, should they choose to punish her for the rest of her life for what she'd done.

Reba heaved a loud, heavy sigh, telling Nessa that her friend knew exactly what ran through her mind.

"Let it go Vanessa. We've been through this a hundred times. We can't go back. The only thing we can change-"

Nessa rolled her eyes, cutting Reba off. "Is the future. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you said, a hundred times." She shot the redhead a look from the corner of her eye. "It's easy to say, not so easy to live."

Reba sighed again, though this time her frustration made it more of a growl. "Come on Ness, I want you to enjoy this trip. I want to enjoy this trip! Kinda hard to do with that black cloud you keep on a leash."

Nessa ignored her, refusing to have this argument again. She understood Reba wanted her to let go of the past and heal, that her friend only wanted the best for her in the future. But Reba hadn't made the same mistakes Nessa had. She could never understand the weight of the burdens Nessa carried. Hopefully, she never would.

"I promise I won't let it rain on you," she murmured, her fingers tapping the screen of the GPS as she studied their route. Changing the subject, she said, "We don't have to take 80 all the way out. We could do 70 all the way to Colorado."

The cab of the Jeep went silent, save for the wind whipping past the windows. Nessa waited, refusing to look at Reba, not wanting to discuss herself anymore.

"What's the difference?" Reba finally asked, knowing it would do no good to push the issue.

"Well, 80 will take us farther North, past Chicago and through Iowa and Nebraska. If we go down to 70 we'll hit Missouri and Kansas instead."

Nessa finally looked over at Reba, her eyebrows raised in question.

Reba shrugged. "I know nothing about any of them. Is one faster than the other?"


"Then Google it. Figure out which one has the better tourist attractions. If I gotta stare at the same stretch of black top for so long, might as well have fun doing it."

Nessa laughed but couldn't disagree. "On it," she promised, abandoning the GPS for her phone. "Anything specific you're interested in?"


"Other than that," Nessa groaned. "I'm well aware of your goal to find Mr. Right in a pair of Wranglers."

Reba looked over at her friend, blinking innocently. "What else is there?"

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