Chapter 9: Honesty

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Reba and Bailey waited at the barn when Thane and Nessa finally made it back to the ranch. The trip home hadn't taken as long as the trip in because they weren't stopping to clear trails, but the sun had crept across the sky into late afternoon.

"Hey, you're finally home!" Bailey called, throwing up his arms with a smile.

Thane glanced at Nessa and they exchanged tired smiles. "Yeah, finally home. Exhausted, hungry and dirty, but finally home."

They drew the horses to a stop in the middle of the aisle before dismounting. Reba hurried over to throw her arms around Nessa, saying, "I was SO worried about you! I can't believe you spent all night out there in the middle of nowhere."

Bailey grinned and rolled his eyes. "I tried to tell her that you would be fine and Thane would have it all under control, but she didn't believe me."

Nessa pulled away from Reba, looking over her friend's shoulder to meet Thane's eyes with a smile. "I'm fine Reba. Thane had it all under control and took good care of my sissy self. I think I even learned a thing or two."

Reba turned, one arm still wrapped around her friend, to address Thane. "I'm so glad you were together. Still scared the bejeebers out of me, but I'm glad she had you. Did you see any wild animals?"

Thane nodded, doing his best to maintain a serious face. "Oh yeah, we saw a lot of wild animals out there."

Reba's eyes grew wide and she looked back at Nessa. "Like what? Was it scary?"

Nessa cocked an eyebrow at Thane, shaking her head. "Not unless you find birds and squirrels and the occasional chipmunk scary. The scary part was my brain and all the things I thought about that never happened."

Reba threw her hand on her hip, looking back at Thane with a huff. "You're so funny, Mr. Buchannon. I see now why you and Bailey get along so well."

Bailey reached for Reba, hooking an arm around her waist to pull her against him. She didn't resist, allowing his brother to wrap his arms around her and kiss her cheek. "I thought you liked me."

Reba looked up at him with an adoring smile, all pretense at being irritated gone. "I do like you Bails."

Thane looked away, locking eyes with Nessa. She raised her eyebrows, motioning to the couple with her eyes. Thane gave a small shrug. He didn't know anything more about his brother's relationship status with Reba than she did.

"Well, while you two love birds debate how much you like each other, I'm gonna take care of my horse so I can go eat and shower," Nessa announced, leading Honey away. "Or maybe shower and then eat. . . ."

"Maybe we could eat in the shower?" Thane suggested. "It would save time."

The look she slid him from the corner of her eye told him exactly what she thought of that idea. He grinned, moving to follow her to Snickers' stall.

"Rhett and I will take care of the horses," Bailey called. "Just send him down when you get to the house. Mom and Reba have food waiting for you. Might as well eat while it's hot."

Thane could see Nessa's body wilt in relief. She hadn't complained once about being tired or sore or hungry on the way back, but she had to be all those things. However, she would have waited to care for her horse before tending to herself.

Like she'd told him a couple nights ago, she saw a task through from start to finish. She didn't like to stop in the middle.

"You want me to help you with the saddle?" Thane asked as she stopped in front of Honey's stall.

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