Chapter 22: Proposals

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"You ready?" Reba asked, her body poised to make the jump from the roof of the pontoon boat.

Nessa's gaze flickered to her friend, her own body ready to jump as well. They'd spent the day on the water of Chatfield State Park's Reservoir, borrowing the Johnson family boat. The hour grew late and the sun long, but Bill had given them one final jump before he turned the boat back to shore.

Nessa gave her a grin and a nod, her black curls corralled in a tight braid, much the same as Reba's red locks.

"Let's go!" Reba cried, taking off at a run before leaping off the boat with a squeal. Nessa laughed as she launched herself into mid-air, only seconds behind Reba. Though they'd been in and out of the water all day, those first few seconds still felt like ice against her sun-kissed skin, shocking every one of her senses.

She pushed to the surface with a gasp, treading water as she reached up to wipe her eyes. "I swear it gets colder every time I get in!" she called to the other four as she swam for the boat.

Thane stood by the ladder, waiting to help them out of the water, while Bailey and Kylie lounged against the seats. All three of them watched her with lazy grins, mellow and relaxed from their mini, 4th-of–July-weekend vacation.

Bill still stood behind the wheel, waiting to start the engine and take them back to the docks.

Reba reached the ladder first, accepting Thane's hand as he helped pull her onto the deck. Then he turned back for Nessa, his hand warm and dry against hers. His smile turned into more of a smirk and he pulled her against his chest once she had both feet on the deck, whispering in her ear, "I don't think it's the water getting colder, it's just you getting hotter."

Nessa looked up at him from the corner of her eye, letting a delicious warmth settle in her belly. She knew he wasn't talking about the heat from the sun. "Careful Cowboy, I might set you on fire."

A low laugh rumbled deep in his chest and he took the time to murmur, "Too late," before gently pushing her towards her towel.

Nessa obeyed, though she lamented the loss of his touch.

Their relationship had deepened in the three weeks since the death of Kylie's baby. No more walls or secrets put distance between them; Nessa no longer feared letting Thane love her. The words still hadn't been spoken, though she knew it flourished between them.

Thane's actions spoke louder than words ever could.

She reached for her towel, using it to squeeze as much water from her braid as she could, before wrapping it around her and sinking into the leather seat.

"You guys ready to head back?" Bill called, firing up the engine.

Everyone called an affirmative and he slowly turned the boat towards shore.

Nessa pulled her braid over her shoulder, doing her best to unravel the hair tie from the knotted ends of her curls.

"You want some help?" Thane asked, settling onto the seat beside her.

She looked over at him with a smile, letting her eyes roam over his bare chest and shoulders, doing her best not to snicker at his obvious farmer's tan. She met his gaze again, its chocolate depths shaded today by a ball cap instead of a cowboy hat.

"Are you offering?" she asked.

He reached for her hair instead of answering and she shifted on the seat, turning her back to him, giving him easier access. She closed her eyes as he worked, enjoying the breeze created as the boat slipped through the water. They'd arrived late in the evening the night before, long enough to get the boat into the water and their campsite set up before crashing for the night.

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