Chapter 12: Concession

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Nessa rose from her chair to help Reba start clearing plates from the dinner table. The redhead had dessert waiting in the wings, but everyone seemed too full at the moment to consider it.

"That was delicious, as always, Reba," Troy commented, wiping his mouth and refolding his napkin. "I'm disappointed that we didn't find you sooner."

Dorrie looked at her husband with raised eyebrows. "Excuse me? What are you saying there, Troy?"

Thane and Bailey both laughed at their mother's irritation. Nessa glanced at Reba, exchanging a smile.

"Nothing, darling. I just appreciate her cooking and the fact that she can give you a break in the kitchen."

Dorrie stared at her husband, unimpressed with his explanation. Troy reached out to put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in to kiss her temple. "Put away the frown. You know I love your cookin' and I appreciate all the years you put food on this table."

Nessa watched the two as she circled the table and stacked plates, seeing the way Dorrie accepted her husband's affections, giving up her pretense at being offended. She looked up at him with a smile, pressing a small kiss to his lips. "You better. These ladies aren't here to stay, remember?"

Nessa looked away, turning her attention back to the dirty dishes on the table. She wasn't used to seeing a couple so affectionate with each other after being together for so long. She certainly never witnessed it between her own parents. She couldn't help but envy them, wondering what it would be like to have a man who looked at her that way for the rest of her life.

She let her eyes slide across the table to Thane, not surprised to find him watching her. He smiled as if he knew that she'd been analyzing his parents' relationship, longing for something like that in her own life. His eyebrows raised ever so slightly, as if reminding her that she could. She had him.

She felt her cheeks grow warm and thankfully Bailey's voice entered the conversation, pulling her attention away from Thane.

"I don't know about that Mom. We might just have to kidnap Reba and keep her here."

Reba snorted, turning to look at Bailey from her spot at the sink. "Like what, as a prisoner? Indentured servant?"

Rhett looked at his dad, confused and horrified at Bailey's suggestion. "You can't kidnap her Dad! That's bad!"

The group of adults laughed and Bailey leaned his forearms on the table, addressing his son. "I was kidding Rhett, I wouldn't really kidnap Reba. I'd just like it if she could stay."

Rhett collapsed against his chair in relief. Then he nodded, looking over at Reba. "Me too. I like having her here."

Reba grinned at Rhett, giving him a wink before letting her gaze meet Bailey's. Judging from the look they exchanged, Nessa didn't think it would take much to convince her to stay.

"Well, I need to go out and check on the horses one last time," Thane announced, the sound of his chair squeaking across the floor catching everyone's attention. "Anybody want to walk down with me?"

Rhett raised his hand, his grin wide. "Me! Me! Can I come along?"

Thane laughed. "Yeah, buddy, you can come along."

Rhett happily jumped from his chair, turning to push it in before he ran for his shoes.

Nessa delivered her pile of plates to Reba, who began rinsing them before loading them into the dishwasher.

"You ladies okay in here if I walk down to the barns with Troy?" Dorrie asked.

The two girls turned to the woman who'd become more friend than employer, nodding their heads.

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