Chapter 14: Taken

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Nessa gave herself one last look in the mirror, hoping she looked the part for a barn dance in Colorado. She didn't have any clothes that were particularly western, other than her boots. Thankfully, they'd dried out unharmed from her encounter with Thane and the hose. She'd opted to pair them with shorts, knowing exactly how much he would like the combination. With them she donned a loose fitting purple t-shirt and then borrowed a matching scarf from Reba to drape down the front. It would come in handy later to pull her hair up when the heat of the June night got to be too much.

She hadn't worn much makeup since arriving at the ranch, but tonight she fished out her mascara and eyeliner as well as some sparkly lip gloss. Earrings and some casual, purple bracelets rounded out the ensemble.

With a deep breath she turned to call for Reba, only to find her friend standing in the bathroom doorway, watching her with a smile.

"You look gorgeous. Thane's not going to be able to keep his eyes off you. Nor will many other men, I predict."

Nessa rolled her eyes. "Thanks, I think. I'm not looking for any other men. I wasn't even looking for Thane."

Reba cocked an eyebrow, moving farther into the room. "No kidding. But you've got him, girl, and that outfit is only going to tighten the lasso."

Nessa laughed at her friend's choice of words. "You're picking up the lingo rather well."

Reba ignored her as she crossed to the closet, surveying her shoe selection. She let out a sigh, staring forlornly at the meager options. "I really do need to get me a pair of boots."

Nessa sank to the edge of her bed as she waited for Reba. "I'm sure we can go on another shopping trip. We're not prisoners here."

Reba glanced over her shoulder, staring first at Nessa before dropping her gaze to her boots. "I realize you didn't pay for them, but did you at least look at the price tag?"

"Of course I did! They're ridiculously expensive. I'll pay for half. You can consider it an early birthday present."

Reba smiled before turning back to the closet, pulling out a pair of flats. "Thanks Ness. That's exactly why you're the bestest friend ever." She slipped her feet into the shoes before turning to Nessa, asking, "Well, how do I look?"

The redhead had her hair pulled back in a loose, fishtail braid that hung over one shoulder. She wore more makeup than Nessa, but she'd become an expert at using it to enhance her features, not mask them. She too chose shorts, but paired them with a cami top and lightweight, feminine-cut button down shirt.

"Beautiful, as always. You may have to wipe the drool from Bailey's chin."

Reba snorted but made a show of looking around for the tissues. "I'll put a few in my pocket, just in case." She plucked a few from the box, folding them neatly into her back pocket before asking, "Are you ready?"

Nessa held up a finger, standing to retrieve her phone from the dresser. "One more thing. Can you take a picture of me, please? Caleb doesn't believe I've become a cowgirl. He's been waiting on a picture of me in boots."

Reba grinned, taking Nessa's phone and directing her to stand in the doorway, posing her for maximum effectiveness. "Okay, I think we're good. Now hold still," she ordered, backing up.

Nessa heard the camera click a few times as Reba took multiple pictures. She was just about to ask if her friend was done when someone stepped up behind her, the heat from their body washing over her. One of Thane's hands snaked around her waist and he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, his breath on her neck sending goosebumps down her spine.

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