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"Don't mind don't mind Kageyama-kun!" Hinata called out excitedly, as Kageyama's serve was out.

"AGH, DON'T SAY THAT." Kageyama exclaimed, extremely frustrated with himself. They had been practicing all day, and his stamina and concentration were at it's limits.

"Then what do I say!?" Hinata retorted, honestly not knowing what to say to the setter.

"Just... nothing!"

"Hinata, you should take it easy, this is your first practice since you came back." Suga said worriedly.

"Yup." A week had passed since everyone had first found out that Hinata had been hurt.?

"Okay, everyone lets wrap up for today." Daichi called out to the team in a leader-like manner. Everyone helped in taking down the nets and putting the balls away. Hinata did this in an enthusiastic way, glad to be back in the court.

"We had a good practice today, and it's nice to have the whole team here again. Nationals are in 2 weeks, we need to be well prepared." Coach Ukai said.

"Yes!" The team said in unison.

"Now go on home and get some rest, you're all probably tired." It was already late and the sky was dark. Everyone exited the gym laughing and enjoying each other's company. Hinata smiled brightly and took a moment to just realize how much a team meant to him. Kageyama found himself staring at him, and quickly turned away when Hinata looked his way.

"Kageyama-kun, what's wrong?" Hinata asked, noticing Kageyama's troubled expression.

"I'm a bit worried and confused." Kageyama admitted.

"You? Kageyama Tobio is worried?"

"Shut up, dumbass!" Kageyama said flustered. "I'm just afraid the team... doesn't trust me."

"Where's the Kageyama that said 'I wish I could serve, pass, set, and spike all by myself'?" Hinata said jokingly.

"I'm pretty sure you realize that part of me is gone." Kageyama responded seriously. This surprised the middle blocker, as he had never seen this side of Kageyama before.

"C'mon... you should know Karasuno trusts you as our control tower-"

"Exactly... I'm a control tower... I'm self-centered and I try to be in control everything and I only care-" Kageyama said, embracing his self-blame.

"I'm sorry, I misspoke. You're not our control tower Kageyama-kun! You're our valued setter that unites our team's messy passes. You have our trust and respect." Hinata interrupted.


"I trust you with volleyball. I trust you with my life." Hinata said with full confidence.

"But would you trust me with your heart?" Kageyama asked, voice barely audible. Hinata blinked. What? What had he just say?


"I'm sorry, I didn't say anything." He said, walking away disappearing into the darkness. He left Hinata just standing there, confused and broken.


For the next few days, they didn't speak to each other, they avoided each other at all costs, and their teamwork was lacking. Neither of them made a move to reconcile or talk to each other about what had happened.

Kageyama couldn't focus on anything. Why had he said what he said? He didn't know how to deal with his feelings nor how to talk to someone about it. He couldn't confront it, but he also couldn't avoid it. He tried forgetting- he tried so hard, but it didn't work.

Hinata felt empty. What was the feelings inside of him? He didn't feel like doing anything, and it felt as if everything went like a blur. He could no longer look at Kageyama. He didn't know what to do. Volleyball practices were... boring now. He no longer looked forward to the extracurricular and he couldn't tell why. 

"Kageyama!" Kageyama turend around to the sight of one of his senpais running towards him.

"Oh, Sugawara-san."

"I've been meaning to talk to you..." Suga panted, seemingly exhausted. "I was looking for you all over the place."


"What's... up? Something's not right with you these days... is something bothering you?"

"Uh, kind of." The younger setter admitted.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I guess..." Normally, Kageyama wasn't one to open up to anyone. However, Suga was a bit of a mother-figure and he had earned Kageyama's trust and respect. "I... Hinata... I was talking and I uh... stupidly... completely randomly... I said 'But would you trust me with your heart?'"

"Uhh, could you tell me the context and situation where you said this."

"Oh uh sorry, I got caught up... in... I just... ugh-"

"It's okay... just try to relax." Suga said trying to calm his junior down. Kageyama took a deep breath, and continued.

"I was talking to Hinata and... I think I just spontaneously... confessed my feelings. I'm not even sure... what my feelings are telling me."

"Do you think... you like Hinata? In a romantic type of way." Suga asked, calmly.

"No! Yeah?" Kageyama exclaimed quickly.

"Which is it?"

"I.. I'm really not sure... I mean... that's why I am... confused." Kageyama said, feeling extremely flustered.

"How do you feel when you're around him?"

"I feel... excited but relaxed. Setting to him in volleyball is tiring but so... enjoyable. I trust him, in terms of volleyball most of the time. Except maybe if he's serving."

"What about when you guys are off the court?"

"It's hard to admit but... it's nice to be around him. He annoys me but... he also makes me comfortable. I'm pretty sure this is perfectly normal, considering he makes someone as shy as Kenma talk to him normally."

"But... is there anything else to your feelings?" Suga spoke in such a calm and caring Kageyama realize things he didn't know before.

"I guess... my heart feels comfortable but... it pounds so quickly. Everytime I make eye contact with him... no matter where and when- I'll feel confused with myself."

"I think... you like him."

"Suga-san! Kageyama-kun!" Nishinoya called out to them, waving frantically. "There's something... wrong with... Hinata's leg again." Both the setters turned towards each other in surprise and fear. They took off in unison, towards the gym, and Kageyama had to admit- his heart was beating out of control.

Injured (Hinata x Kageyama)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα