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Hinata was lost.

He felt nothing. He was just drifting away slowly. Everything was just... imaginary. Nothing was real. He seemed to float and continue to just disappear and fade away.

He couldn't hear anything, but at times he could sense someone's presence near him. It made him excited and he wanted it to stay. It made him feel wanted, and it was like he was slowly being pulled back into reality. It was a hand, pulling him out of the endless waters.

And then it was gone.

He missed it, whatever it was, whoever it was- he needed it. He wanted more... but he was lost in the world of nothingness.


Kageyama struggled to lift the ball that had rolled to his feet. It was so heavy, and it was as if all his strength had been sucked up, and it took everything he had to finally pick it up. But now his legs felt weak too, and it was as if he was crawling on his knees.

"C'mon King, what's the matter? Can't even serve the ball anymore?" Tsukishima had suddenly appeared in front of him, and he stood there with his signature smirk looking down at Kageyama. Kageyama turned to see the net in a distance just perfect for his serve.

He tried his hardest to throw the ball into the air, and got into a running approach, but he only threw it up about a meter's distance before he collapsed on his first step. He heard laughs and saw his teammates from his elementary school team. He felt small- so small. He needed to get up, but nothing was helping.

He had no one.

"What the hell are you doing? There's no one there to hit your tosses." Kindaichi said. His team from junior high had suddenly appeared to his right now. But they weren't next to him. There was a crack in the ground, which quickly spread in to cliff, preventing him from ever getting any closer without falling. "Who's here for you? Who wants to hit your king toss?" His team glared at him, and they weren't even laughing and making fun of him- their looks were of true hatred.

Oikawa had appeared as well now. He had his signature smirk, and he towered over him. "Tobio-chan, you idiot. I'll always be better than you." His voice boomed in the place he was in

Kageyama was now surrounded with everyone he once played volleyball with, except for the members of Kitagawa Daiichi, who were still on the other side. He me their eyes and they all stared at him with despise. He backed up as they kept moving in on him, until he reached the edge of the cliff and lost his balance. He tipped over and fell into the seemingly endless hole.

He was now at the hospital he had been to, one too many times. People walked past him like he didn't exist, all except for Dr. Sukodu. He stared at him with emotionless eyes. He just stood there, wordless. No matter how much Kageyama walked towards him, the distance never closed. He broke into a run, but it was as if he was getting farther. A wave of exhaustion hit him, and with final efforts he looked up to the doctor/surgeon once more. This time, his mouth moved and his voice was barely audible, but Kageyama heard the horrifying words.

"Hinata is dead."

Everything around Kageyama started to crumble, and darkness started to flood around him and there was no escape. There was nowhere else to run to.

Kageyama woke up to himself covered in sweat. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't think straight (and no, it's not because he's completely gay for Hinata), and his mind was a mess. What was missing? He laid back onto his bed before realization hit him like a volleyball in the back of his head. He sat up immediately, and his breathing quickened.

Injured (Hinata x Kageyama)Where stories live. Discover now