33 (End)

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(Pls read Author Note at the end of the chapter. Happy readings!)

Kageyama hesitated, as he stood before the door he was so familiar with. He stared intensely at the doorknob, as if waiting for it to tell him what to do. 

He had never been so unsure what to do in his life. Everything changed so much, and the drive he once had seemed to disintegrate in front of him. 

He must look strange, as people passed by him in the hall, glancing at him in confusion, but all too busy to care. 

He had probably been standing there for an hour now. Countless people had been rushed to operating rooms, and people who were in grief or relief sulked or sauntered by him. He hated this place. The sounds, the smell, the atmosphere. 

"Can I help you?" A nurse asked him at one point. Kageyama replied with a shrug.

She patiently asked, "Are you visiting a friend or family member?" 

"I think so."

"Do you have the right room?" 

"I think so."

"Are you going to go in?"

"I think so."

"Take your time." The nurse didn't even seem a bit confused or surprised at him, and smiled before she walked away.

His mind was hazy and eventually his legs were exhausted, but he didn't move. It was like the door put him into a trance, and he couldn't get out of it.

"Kageyama?" A familiar voice called. 

Kageyama slightly tilted his head so he could see who it was.

"I'm Hisakawa, the nurse from the before, I'm not sure if you remember me-"

"I do."

"It's nice to see you again. I was wondering why you didn't come visit him before to be honest."

"How... how is he?"

"His vitals are stable, and we're all sure he's gonna get better soon."

"You don't know that though."

The nurse's smile faded slightly. "Fate is a funny thing." Was all she said  before reaching for the doorknob.

Kageyama quickly but gently grabbed her hand. "I'm not sure if I can see him."

"You've been here for three hours Kageyama I checked up on you a few times already. I know you're going to regret it until you go see him."

Kageyama let go, and she opened the door, letting him in.

"Nurse Hisakawa is needed in the ER." The announcement boomed.

"I'll see you later." She said with a soft smile before taking off.

It took him a moment to take the room in. It was dark and the only sound that was present was a steady beep from the vital signs monitor. The nurse wasn't lying, everything seemed steady.

He carefully walked up to the hospital bed, as if he was scared to startle the patient. Slowly he could see the outline of an orange-haired boy. 

His face was blank and his eyes were closed.

He looked so innocent, like a young child.

"Hey Hinata," Kageyama said softly. "How are you?"

He waited for a response.


"I'm sorry I didn't come visit you for ... two years. I'm sure everyone else did, and we're all waiting for you to come back. We- I believe you will."

He looked expectantly, as if waiting for Hinata to stir and open his eyes.

"Fate really is a funny thing."

Kageyama looked out the window. It seemed that the clouds had collected and the day was dark. He really had been outside the door for a long time.

"I wasn't sure if I should visit you. I wasn't sure if I could bare to. Every time I think of you I think of how I let you down," Kageyama closed the window. "But when I tried to play volleyball I just thought of you, and I felt like I was betraying you by playing without you."

A bright flash outside the window startled him. Followed by it the sound of thunder rumbled. Seconds later, the rain started pouring in.

"Rain," Kageyama sighed. "I use to think it was bad luck, and bad things always happens when it rains. The day my dad died..."

His head started to ache a bit, and flashbacks were slowly creeping into him.

"But I don't believe in that anymore. I think you write your own fate."

Instead of his darkest memories, he saw himself with Hinata. Staring into the sunset, hand in hand.

"I'm going to play volleyball," Kageyama proclaimed. "I'm going to become the best player you'll ever know. I'll play on the national team of Japan."

Another lightning bolt his somewhere nearby, and the thunder rumbled.

"I'm going to make you proud!" Kageyama promised, a tear escaping his eye.

He took a chair and just sat next to the love of his life. He sobbed into the bed and felt Hinata's warmth near him.

Eventually the rain stopped and Kageyama knew he had to get going. He wiped a tear and whispered under his breath.

"You made me invincible. I love you."

Kageyama walked away and as he got to the door he looked back once more. He could almost swear that he saw Hinata smile.


A/N: This story has come to an end, and I would like to thank you guys for reading and supporting me through it. I would also like to ask you guys what you want me to write next! I didn't exactly plan this story too well and I quickly ran out of motivation which was why I was not very consistent with updating. This was also a learning process for me as I became a better writer throughout the years (yeah it took me so long to write this).

Check next chapter for sequel!

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